I walked into CoRielle's home this morning and immediately knew there was a different kind of busy-ness today! The vacuum was whirring, the chairs were stacked away from the table, and the boys were nowhere to be seen. Benny was busy vacuuming. "Honey" (Arielle) was having a meeting today....and company tomorrow. LOL Unfortunately, the photos of our industrious crew were all blurry.
Monday, when Benny stopped by for respite care, he burst in the house saying, "Bachan! Guess what? There were TWO Boss Babies and I got one so there is only ONE Boss Baby." He told me today that they were mean babies but if I wouldn't be afraid, we could watch it together. Which we did.
Next on our agenda was a quick trip to the park and a mile walk around the neighborhood. I pointed out it may rain on us if we left the house. Benny assured me it doesn't hurt to get a little bit wet to go on a walk. This seems to be a truth one could live by.
LOOK! In the midst of that horrible weed patch/garden is a single bloom...further investigation revealed the rest of the row still working towards blossoms, and the artichoke plants.
Blooms everywhere this morning. I realize the summer is nearly over, but I grew these from SEEDS. Next year I'll know to start the seeds earlier...next year I'll have the greenhouse established before the growing season and can begin getting things going before the last frost.
Michael, the girls and I took a break right in the middle of the day to read a chapter from "Inkheart" and to watch an episode of "Manifest." These are things we want to do WITH Allie and since she is working - we are learning creative scheduling.
Girls? Let me brag on them a bit. Stacia took a test in her last Japanese class and ACED it. Kim said she believes she is the only one of her students who has ever made 100% on that test. AND Allie took her English assessment for college and is going to be able to CLEP freshman English. Go girls!