Wednesday, January 08, 2014

We Made It!

They really do yell, "All ABOARD!" and they yell it loud in America. 

Our train was to leave Sacramento at 11:59 p.m. last night. Michael dropped us off at 10 p.m. I knew this may be the hardest part of the trip. Somehow, I feel safer when we're all settled on the train and moving....but I didn't want to fall asleep sitting in the station.  

Stacia, obviously, does not share this concern. 

I remembered trying to lug American sized suitcases up the narrow, steep stairs in the train and so we checked our suitcase. This still left pillows, blankets, a small lunch cooler, laptop bag, camera bag and Stacia's backpack.  I settled down and tried to stay awake. 

It was at this point that I met, Lois. She came up and said, "I think I would like to introduce myself."  It didn't take long to know her story and for her to know mine. We shared watch over Stacia and luggage so we could each walk around. She has restless leg and ended up needing to walk around much more than me.  I was happy to have a camera phone. I didn't want to reveal my new camera or ipad at this point in the trip. ::snort:: 

The train was late and we didn't leave Sacramento until 0100.  I had a hard time sleeping....but it was peaceful, quiet and the stars were beautiful.  This train was kept up much better than the one we took home in December. The conductor also stayed in the car and had lots of funny messages to share. I hope the ride is that nice going back. 

Watching the sunrise in the Shasta Pass was worth the effort of leaving at 0100.  The train really does not parallel I5 - we were in pristine forests..... I relented and found the snack car for some juice and a roll for Stacia's breakfast. 

We enjoyed riding in the Lounge car for a bit of time. I will be sure to check this out on our way home. That trip will be totally in the dark - but could still be pretty in the lounge car. 

Many told me we need to ride this route in the summer - it's light more of the trip then. 

We were late arriving in Eugene. I didn't see BreAnne or Arielle. I got out my phone to text them when a text with this photo came in.  They said they were excited. I got busy looking for luggage when someone JUMPED me - it was BreAnne! This gal is getting married in 5.5  weeks. 

Bre dropped us off at Mom and Dads. We enjoyed a visit with Mom, Dad and Lorri. BreAnne had AWANA tonight. Krista and the rest of us made vegan pizza, got in our jammies, visited and watched a chick flick. 

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...