Michael had an appointment in Anchorage and told me I didn't need to attend this doc appointment. I was happy to stay home. I planned on sitting inside, reading, napping....but at about 1:30 p.m. Stacia was done with school, GG was napping, and Alex was willing to come upstairs and listen for Grandpa.
Stacia and I went out to explore the bike path along the river. It would be a PERFECT cross country ski route - EXCEPT the snowplows have plowed the highway - of COURSE - but we hadn't realized it would make a wall of snow between the path and the road. We drove along it for a time looking for a place to pull off and park and access the path. We didn't find such a spot. Eventually we drove down to a river park/campground. It's closed for the season and the deserted paths through the campground are great for cross country skiing. It is obviously well used.

I didn't have all the skiing gear - but I enjoyed an OUTSIDE walk, which combined with my treadmill walk to make a very nice day of movement! It was AMAZING what being out in nature for that hour did for our perspective. We must do more of this...it's probably more important in the days when we just want to cocoon inside.
Thanks for the fun break, Stacia! I enjoyed spending the time with you too. Next time, I'll bring snowshoes or Krista's skis.