Sunday, November 22, 2020

Covid Manifestations

There is a LOT that I have not the fact that we were on LOCK DOWN for a full 11 days before we went on the current quarantine and we added 2 grandsons....I decided I better just update as often as I can NOW and catch up as we go....

Michael was too tired to get out of bed on Thursday or Friday.  His sore throat and dizziness joined exhaustion on Friday. Nolan came home from work with a 101.8 fever and sore throat. We prepared for however Covid would manifest in our home. 

We planned to keep all the kids in the basement...leaving our two high riskers - Michael and Dad on the top floor.  We went to bed with a plan.... My plan included homemade chicken and dumplings.  I'm a firm believer in homemade Chicken Noodle Soup to help most ailments. 

Friday the sick "adult kids" and Michael proceeded as they had on Thursday.  Dad began cramping and well...imagine the GI tract. It was quick, hard, and nasty. Dad began retching. Krista developed new GI symptoms.  I ran between everyone. 

I called numerous doctors and it appears most take Friday off. I called the urgent care about Dad - they didn't want to see him. They said to go to the hospital if I had questions. Well - I'm NOT taking anyone to the hospital for QUESTIONS when they are so over-booked and full of germs and I know WE have covid germs. I talked with the home health nurse once - but when things got bad and I REALLY needed to talk to someone - I could reach no one.  We soldiered on.  The nurse had told me to get jello, Pedialyte and such. I had a click it order ready to pick up on Friday night.....Cory ran and got that stuff for me and I picked it up when  I got the click it contact with ANYONE....and poor Benny cried and I cried because you know - it's ALREADY been 11 days and we are missing milestone days...for babies. 

That evening I became worried about Dad retching and the many meds he is on...and the fact I had insulin to give him. Since I couldn't reach any medical professionals I called the family nurse...and she gave me confidence. 

People began texting to see if we needed anything - at this point I couldn't think of a thing we needed. 

Saturday morning the cramping and such were gone....everyone felt better. Most stayed in bed. 

Krista made up the dandelion salve she and I had begun in the summer. 

McDonald's wants a covid test for Nolan NOW. The result won't change the instructions to quarantine and no one FEELS like going anywhere,  but OK - He and Michael went in for Covid tests. We decided not to take any of the rest of us - because we know we have it and we're already locked down. Our thought is if Michael is positive we can ALWAYS call the VA and get a doc to answer questions, maybe easier than all the civilian docs who are gone Fri-Sunday.  If Dad gets sick enough for the hospital they'll do a covid test then - why make him have 2? 

Stacia and I watched Christmas movies and MacGyver. Millie reacts to dogs on the screen. 

A friend texted to see if we needed anything at Carrs. Freddies is out of zinc throat lozenges and I realized we needed more. Sweet - 2 packages delivered at home - and I got to see an "outsider" from the front door. 

I made a big pot of Chicken and dumplings. Since we figured everyone but Stacia and I have Covid (her sinus congestion is clearing up), we decided to lift the basement dweller mandate and enjoy dinner together. 

We watched a "Google Translate Thanksgiving" and laughed - a lot. We discussed this won't be terrible when folks are feeling better and we can just have "home" time with family. 

I woke this a.m. to a quiet home. Everyone slept in. Most still haven't gotten up. I drank a quart of Yogi Immune Support Tea. It can't hurt...I choose to believe God is keeping me healthy to serve all the sickos around here. 

I assumed everyone would be feeling better and made a bunch of bacon. Stacia and I are the only ones up for a meal. Krista has gone to get tested. She realized IF the rest of us test positive willy-nilly she will keep getting extended for another 2 weeks. We are praying she has enough of the virus left in her system to test positive. She WILL be here with us until at least Dec 4th as is....

Dad got up. He said he felt wonderful. I couldn't talk him out of a big breakfast. He is now back in bed with renewed GI discomfort. Sometimes you just have to let a person figure it out for themselves. He said he'll stick with the Jello and clear drinks today, too. 

I'm doing laundry, lots of laundry. Running drinks, crackers and Jello here and there... It's SNOWING. 

Snow and Ramp

 It's a treat when it warms up enough to snow. On this quarantined Sunday, the snow is a blessing.  I've been wanting to grab photos with the house now that it has a ramp and used the trip out for the paper to take a few.