Today is a moving day! We aren't moving far - from our RV park on the outskirts of Eugene to Krista's driveway. We attended at 0830 church service and were able to make it home, pack up, and check out by 1100.
Arielle and Cory picked up some pizzas and we enjoyed a visit before Arielle headed to work and Cory to more finals prep. Cory was selected to go on a mission trip with our denomination to Papua, New Guinea. A trip which falls during finals week.
Krista came home about the time Arielle had to leave.
Michael has sharpened his editorial skills this month....he's edited 4 graduate and 3 under-graduate papers while we've been here. It's amazing to watch both the girls juggle so much - and then we remember there was a day when we did the same. ::snort:: Glad that day is not now. In any event, Krista had some corrections to make to her paper and then was able to chat a bit.
Michael and Krista left for Krista's soccer game. The kids and I played a game of Dominion, and finished laundry, while we waited for Mom, Dad and Lorri. Sunday night - it's a tradition - almost our own personal Sabbath - we welcome the new week with something sweet...worship and ice cream. Michael began this tradition years and years ago - when Bre was little.
Eventually, we all gathered around the table. Here is something we worked on...Krista made this for Christmas. She anticipated Isabella's birth. NOW it's time to add Larissa....we worked and worked to find a way to do that which wouldn't break Scrabble rules. Larissa, helpfully shared her nickname Riss with us....we may go with that off the "S" in Josiah.