Today began with 3.5 hours of PWOC paperwork. I swear we kill a forest to keep this ministry going with AARs, Board Reports, CMPs et al. I also worked through all the Fall Rally (a retreat without a sleep over) lists to make sure I had a comprehensive plan of attack for shopping.
I spent oodles of time trying to figure out what supplies I needed to buy for a little Rally surprise. Turns out that the crafts stores here didn't have exactly what I wanted...and I'm sure I could have driven to Roseville but that would have been two hours of driving today - and it was much quicker to find what we needed on Amazon Prime. It will be here Thursday and I'm too busy to try a craft tomorrow anyway. ::snort::
After lunch Stacia and I headed out for 2.5 hours of - you've guessed it - Rally shopping. She was a GREAT help. I was shopping from two fund's we put supplies in one cart and food in the other.....and got as much as we could which won't spoil before 22 Aug. I'm working hard to be able to enjoy leave with my family without thinking about Rally things I've not finished.
The funny for today involves Stacia. I've trained her well. She's shopping for a retreat AND considering the why behind the purchases.
Walmart Man, "Wow - you've got a lot of chocolate there. You must really like it."Stacia, "No, we're shopping for a Ladies retreat."
Walmart Man laughs, "They should be happy."Stacia, "Ladies like chocolate! Even if they don't like the speaking, they'll have chocolate!"
Back at home I did a bit more PWOC stuff...cooked dinner - while the kids and Michael played...and then three of us enjoyed the hot tub.
We love productive days. It's starting to look like retreat planning in the living room.
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...