Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I find it unsettling to be home. Strange, isn't it? I don't regret a thing we've done in the past two weeks....but I hadn't realized that all our fun had pushed thoughts of the move to the back burner. This isn't a bad thing....but it's unsettling to have them rush to the forefront of our thinking once again. 

We finished loading our household goods on a Thursday nearly 2 weeks ago. We spent that weekend with dear friends. One mother and daughter PCSd while we were in Korea, the other will on Saturday.  We followed our great weekend with a trip to Korea. 

I walked into our home and was hit with the fact the house is empty and we'll be moving in a few weeks - 5 to be exact. I suppose I can't put off accepting this fact much longer. ::snort:: Actually, the way it is working out all of our dear PCSING friends will leave before us....we'll bring up the end of the PCS season...I'll let you know if we like it better this way. 

We left to take Michael to work at 0530....which meant I could work out and be home by 0715. That is NICE...sort of....that's usually my QUIET in QUIET with the Lord in a QUIET I'll have to work on a schedule that will work for the week.

This morning I unpacked and caught up with a few emails. 

I broke for a steering team lunch with MOPS. This was an end of the year/beginning of the new year type lunch and was fun. It also gave me a lunch with Mary before she and her family hop on the plane. I LOVE MOPS UPCOMING THEME! "A Beautiful Mess - Embrace Your Story." I'm far from a pre-school mom, but this has been the theme I'm living out this past year. ::snort:: 

This afternoon I  worked on the floors - trying to minimize the glaring scratches in our "softwood floors." 

Michael is working different hours due to the exercise this week. I knew he'd need to sleep I took kids to Club Beyond, picked up Michael and drove him home, took the younger two to get dinner and then shopping,  picked up the Club kids and we are all finally home. 

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...