Grandpa woke up several times in the night. He had said he was nauseated and tired. He hasn't thrown up but he's made all the sounds every few hours. How? I don't know. I heard him tell a friend this afternoon he had a sore throat and headache but he hadn't mentioned them to us...
Anyway, since I WAS up early and Dad had gone back to bed, I headed out for a morning walk. I went 2.3 miles and it felt wonderful. We are going to try me going out at 0500 and see if I can be home before Grandpa wakes up.
The rest of the morning was filled with caregiving and chick caring for me. Michael had an appointment. I did get another 78 seeds planted. I'm really hoping these 3 trays will germinate out here.
The "kids" - which now consist of 3 adults and a soon to be 17 yo - have been waiting for there to be a time for me to join them at the movie theater. I wanted to see Dr. Strange...and I enjoyed it...though I've not seen Spiderman and I guess that was a prerequisite. LOL We caught the matinee and then had just enough time to grab a quick dinner and head to the church for youth group and Bible Study.