There were a couple of things this when she asked about a dime, "Now is that a 10 yen or a 100 yen?"
We heard music in the neighborhood.
In Misawa, that was either a political announcement, the sweet potato man or a tsunami warning. The older kids ran to get their money.
I tried to figure out WHY the van was parked driving extremely slow outside of our home....
Imagine Stacia's joy! She came running back in and informed me, "MOM, they sell ice cream from VANS in America!"
We were all happy to have the break in the middle of a hot afternoon.
I was still perplexed as to how the Ice Cream Man KNEW to wait at our home. It turns out the older two have enjoyed the treats when he comes through on Wednesdays - PWOC day. ::snort::
Stacia, looked at us and said, "But I should never, EVER get in the van with an Ice Cream man/woman, right? They might kidnap me." Yeah - she's learning the culture.
Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...