We planned to spend this morning touring memorials in D.C. However, we were all TIRED of walking in rain and opted to head up to Hershey, PA earlier than planned.
This worked well as we were able to go to Chocolate World, buy tickets, see the free things and come back for the rest on Sunday. Lorelei, my room mate from high school in the Philippine Islands, lives outside of Hershey and drove up to see me. What a treat. It's been 36 years since we graduated, 35 years since we've been together. It was great to share and catch up. We will certainly look her up again if we make the trip next year. It turns out EVERYONE had decided Chocolate World was a great inside, rainy day, activity. ::snort:: We toured, went out to dinner and then the three girls showed their introverted sides and opted to go to the motel. Lor and I continued to sit and talk. Here are some photos.
We made it.
Familiar characters. LOL
We got in line for a chocolate tour. I thought the line was the tour. I thought it was self-guided and so I snapped photos. Ah well, a good way to share some fun chocolate facts. Look at this line - this is 1/2 of the line we could see.
Fun facts...The Reese family developed these in their basement until they sold the recipe to Hershey's.
...And the town he built is amazing. He did things well. I had no idea at all the things he accomplished - after failing five times.
Milton Hershey had no heirs, all his money goes to the Hershey foundation which supports a local school for orphans - that is now a school which takes care of ALL needs for a student body of 2300 under-privileged kids. Couples are paid to be parents of 12 students in a house. When you buy Hershey's the money goes to the foundation which continues to support the amazing school.
Think of it - that's a whole lotta licorice.
Now you know.
At this point, we reached the end of the line and I realized we were crossing a moving floor/river of chocolate to enter a car for the real tour. We learned how chocolate was made.
Singing cows, vats of chocolate.....if it had oompa loompas it would be just like stepping into Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.
Via Maria |
Amazing amounts of chocolate
We didn't buy any.
Lor and I - together again.