Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Lots of Little Jobs DONE

I interrupted my morning routine to work on the kids' ILP's for the upcoming year. I KNOW. The summer got away from me - BUT I have 80% of the curriculum we need already. I just need to file the paperwork and order the other 20%. We have an upcoming road trip Outside (as in outside of AK), in our near future. We need to pick up things we left at my brother's home from mom and Mom G. We won't start school until after Labor Day.

Krista, Stacia and Alex ran a couple of errands this morning, then sequestered themselves in the RV (Krista's current living space) to watch a bit of Netflix.

Dad, Michael and I had a nice talk. Eventually, it was time to run errands. I dropped Dad off to get his hair cut. I told him to call when he was done and I'd pick him up. I planned to check out a couple of thrift stores while he had a haircut.  I FORGOT I turned off the phone during our talk. He called and left a message. He called again. Finally, he called Krista's phone. I said, "Why didn't he call me?" Then discovered the phone was off.  πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒ I'm taking the teasing with grace. I deserve it.

Michael and Alex had done a trash run while we were in town.

I decided to wash my car. It was another beautiful day up here. This spread to washing Michael's truck, Nolan's jeep and Krista's car. The girls got in on the fun. I really do work - I don't just stalk around taking photos.

 See the brown Spruce trees? Spruce trees are everGREEN. Michael put a chain saw yesterday. He and Alex began taking them down today. Alex cuts them on the ground with the smaller chainsaw. It didn't smoke the whole time  - only for the camera.  
I volunteered for this job, Michael preferred Alex do it. 
Go, Alex! 
 Alex also beat back some of the "wild" threatening to take over our yard. The red dots show how far out it had advanced. This is not GRASS in there - but at least it feels more open and we CAN walk up there again. I had planted berries in this spot - the moose got em all.  Michael has talked about moving the garden up to this spot....I don't know that I have the heart to dig out another garden. I may put some lasagna beds up here and see how they do.
We are not focusing on the birch leaves turning colors. 

Did I say I could ALWAYS spend more time in the garden? The squash has held it's own against the invasive chickweed. 

I took a moment to try out Stacia's hammock. I stayed a while. 

It's magical. 

Krista brought hers out too. I think I need to get one so we can have reading parties under the birch.