Much of the day was defined by - BOXES. Michael was our hero when he brought home a van load of boxes from the Well's family.
Michael went to the office to take care of a few late-breaking things that he needed to tend to. Yes, he is on leave. We took this leave knowing it would be the way to carve out time to take care of things we consider priority - retirement, moving Arielle, preparing for movers here at home.
Stacia lounged - she's ill. The rest of us packed. Arielle and Nolan worked on her things. Zander and I went through drawers, cupboards and hutches. We packed some things to donate, took photos of others to see if the kids want them and placed others back ready for the packers to pack for storage. The china hutch was my big project. Anything that is not from another country, Michael, my Mom or the kids is now slated to find a new home.....
We hit the linen cupboard and the only tablecloths that stayed are from the Philippines, Hungary, Kuwait, Turkey, Afghanistan, Korea or Japan. Zander quipped, "I see what it takes to make the cut around here." ::snort::
We made some these yellow slips of paper....
Ah - evidence of the wheeling and dealing from a Gherkin cut-throat game of Monopoly!
I was happy to find THIS - I was going to order some for the trailer.
I finally got rid of two cassette carriers and all but a few cassettes. Michael had the same at his office - not sure what he did.
I kept these.
Yep, much done and much more to do. LOL