Early this a.m. Arielle brought out the birthday decorations. Michael was able to Skype with Jamin this morning, Josiah and Shelby later this evening, and I think he managed to text everyone else.
Stacia hid in the pantry for an hour waiting for Michael to come downstairs.
There are a couple of fields on the way to Beale which are flooded. We've wondered WHY....and we still aren't sure...but maybe this is why.....In any event we loved the variety of birds on the way to base today.
It was fun that Joretta was preaching this a.m. and Michael had the day "off." It was a great sermon on being a giving people. Loved it. Besides Michael's birthday, today is also the collection day for Operation Christmas Child.
Michael chose Dancing Tomato for his second Birthday Dinner. We tried to convince him to get them sing Happy Birthday - but he really did NOT want the attention....so we enjoyed our quiet lunch.
Arielle's card was classic, "Here's a button to show others what a great father you are."
"Real life Angry Bird game" from Arielle
3 D tower puzzle from Nolan
Stacia loved this Darth Vader alarm clock
Michael's main gift will be here before Christmas - a combo gift....but I got him a few things anyway...some cologne, a fun ring toss hat and a new cape....Stacia cracked up everyone within hearing at Walmart when she saw it. "Mom, that will match the............." and I agreed and bought it.
I "suggested" this be done outside
Placing candles in an ice cream cake covered in hard shell is difficult...finally they were all lighted....UNTIL Arielle blew out the candle she was using to light candles - along with 1/2 the candles on the cake. ::snort::
Zander got Turbo for Michael so we're ending the day watching that and blogging. LOL
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...