Michael is still in bed - with ice for his back - suffering.
We finished collecting our school work samples and I figured final grades.
The kids weeded the two raised beds in our garden space. Beds are so much easier to handle...someday I hope to have more raised beds. This grew like wildfire in the 2 1/2 weeks we were gone. It's a good size plot - though you can't see it well in this photo. Our work is cut out for us.
Technically, we don't plant around here until after Memorial Day....but we got the beds weeded. I plan to plant some of my seedlings and cover them with a frame and some plastic. We'll see if we can get a bit more time out of the season. The goal will be to have the rest of the space ready to go by the end of Memorial Day weekend. Is that THIS weekend? 😄Hmmmm. Won't happen unless Michael's back feels much better very quickly. We had planned to go camping tomorrow....there will be more chances this summer.
I went into the green house today and, once again, it was heavenly! 64* outside - a beautiful day...but inside? 104* and humid. I sat and relaxed with a glass of sparking ice water. Benny joined me and dug in the beds. You must understand, for a gal raised in the tropics, this brings back happy muscle memory. I close my eyes and see the beach across the road from our house.
Stacia and I collaborated on a dinner of "Fried" Chicken from the air fryer, Leek Soup, Biscuits and Melon. I had a Salmon Cake and soup. This confirmed cheese still gives me migraines. And - IT WAS WORTH EVERY BITE. Several have wondered, as I've been eating clean for so long, if I could handle a bit of cheese now and again. I hadn't wanted to test the theory. I'm always too busy to deal with a migraine. But tonight....I'm on summer schedule and Arielle brought a Salmon Cake up. Alas, I took 2 pills before I finished dinner. I still maintain Arielle makes a mean Salmon Cake. Arielle warned me. I had already had one bit and decided it was worth it to continue and see if I still get sick with cheese.😏😅😏This recipe has quite a few more ingredients than the one I made. It's yummy. I am going to try it with nutritional yeast subbing for the cheese....and almond milk for the milk.
I'm calling it a day and going to put my head to bed. LOL