Friday, February 28, 2020

Resurrection Gardens

I am reading, "Uncovering the Love of Jesus: A Lent Devotional." In the first week's activities it mentioned a website with more resources and instructions for making a Resurrection Garden. The idea is to plant a little garden, complete with tomb....and watch it grow...roll away the stone and it's empty.... I thought it looked like a fun thing to do with the grands.

I went to Michael's to find things for THIS project - and was struck with daffodil memories....Michael was a good sport and cut a couple of these pots in 1/2 for me.

After we planted the flowers in the snowbank, we came back inside to make a Resurrection garden for Benny and for us.

None of us realized what a pick me up it would be to play in the dirt! I am going to have to begin seedlings soon. I may even set up a box of dirt just for Grands to play with when they visit. LOL 

As Arielle wrote, "Family: the perfect blend of chaos and love. 💗
Via Arielle
 Everyone got involved...and we told Benny the purpose for the craft....but mostly he liked dirt at this point...above is the moment I demonstrated "sprinkling grass seed" on the dirt....and below is Benny's idea of sprinkling.
Via Arielle
 Not to worry - we set up a garden for ourselves and took seed from Benny's garden...and he was a huge help in cleaning up the mess.
Via Arielle 
The instructions had said I'd be able to find the large stone for the tomb entrance and twigs to make crosses "easily" in the yard. I headed out the door and it hit me - not finding stones and twigs "easily" in our yard. ::snort:: I will search it out this week.

Stacia and I left for BreZaak's before CoRielle went home....this is always fun to see in the back up camera.
Helpful message that! 
We arrived early enough to play with Annie before they left for Alive Alaska. Look how big she is getting! 

We hadn't seen Bella and Gideon since Feb 9th and it was fun to see them! 

Bella, Stacia and I did a work out video while Gideon caught a nap. We had dinner, cleaned up and then we made a Resurrection Garden with them.

Bella was not sure about dirt and told me "Mommy doesn't like dirt inside." We swept it all up. LOL 

They loved the watering part. Bella promised to remember to water it every morning. LOL 

I am praying three little patches of grass grows.... It was a fun day.

PLANT NOW for Color All Summer

 There you have it! Expert gardening advice - and I didn't plant early enough for color last year..... PLANT NOW....

Um....this is my solution when faced with the reality of 4 feet of snow in the flower beds.
Via Arielle

I was happy to hit a buy one stem - get two stems free on spring flowers.  I waited eagerly for Bennie's visit. I knew he'd enjoy planting with me - and he did. Kimber left them alone after her first look at them....
Via Arielle
Via Arielle
I will let you in on the story behind this story. We moved into a Japanese neighborhood in 2009. We set about making connections with the farmer whose land bordered our yard...The kids helped his wife when she got stuck...and for the following four  springs...every FEBRUARY, the farmer brought me massive bouquets of daffodils. Our first sign of spring.  It seems every February I start to look for daffodils...and I miss being in Japan, our Japanese neighbor, and my heart begins to long for a country to which we are not called to return.  I can't tell you how much good it does my soul and heart to see these cheery daffodils in the yard. 

I still dream of spring time in Japan...and I will do my best to make it happen next spring.