Allie began her second semester of college today. It's back to the grind. Stacia began her first college course today. Liv got a day ahead in school because her parents come home tomorrow, and she doesn't want to have to do school!! Her teacher was wonderful and sent daily work for her to do while she was at our home.
I delivered 4 dz eggs to a customer and had a massage today. Thank you, Michael.
Michael had an appointment today about future ministry he is pursuing.
I grabbed Liv when I got home, and we went out for our Baachan Christmas date. Yeah - it's been a SEAAAASON! We found some fun welcome home gifts for her parents and she and I stopped for drinks and a treat for her at a local cafe. Livie had some rather deep thoughts on her mind to discuss and it was an honor to be the one she decided to chat with this Monday.
Well, hello there! |