We picked up drinks and went to the river....as we drove into our driveway she remarked, "Didn't we order scones?" Um...yeah. We did. I got our drinks and drove off. ::snort:: I am NOT doing great with these drive through windows. That's the second mishap in two days. ::snort::
We drove back and they laughed and passed the food out.
Alaskan Spring
You can tell it's spring because the snow is FROZEN SOLID. It melts during the day and becomes a glaze of ice over-night. Soon, it will all be mud. Ugh...but THEN comes warmer weather! We're up to 14 hours of sunlight a day.
Young moose are another sign of spring....they spend the winter up on the mountain.
I spent 40 minutes on the phone submitted a new application for insurance for dad. I had heard that Healthnet Ruby had FINALLY faxed the paper I needed. My plan was to pick up the fax and then fax it in to the underwriter at the new company.
Would you believe when I picked it up - it was the SAME WRONG paper they sent in November?
I spent another 30 minutes on the phone with Healthnet Ruby again. They say they can SEE that they cancelled him because he moved out of the area. I tell them I need them to send me a paper that SAYS THAT - and they say they CAN'T.
I spent another 30 minutes on the phone with the agent who took the new application.
I do have the numbers now for the Social Security and for the underwriter at the new company. I am calling them tomorrow and telling them how I've been trying since November and that I think they would have a much easier time calling themselves or checking the social security/Medicare computer.
I was very soft-spoken, kind and gracious today. I did tell them that Dad has been waiting on them since November and has been without insurance since September. He NEEDS to be seen for a variety of things and I hold them responsible for this craziness. I told them I will be contacting my congressional office as it should not be this hard for senior citizens to simply change companies. I told them I will give a full report...dates, names, reference numbers in both companies...because the new company COULD have called and gotten the info company to company.
Meanwhile, Krista and Stacia decided to go check out the Mat Peak Trail. It was icy. LOL
Pandemic Stats:
Today Alaska received our 13th mandate - no public or private school for the remainder of the school year. No graduations. We are going to plan something for Alex as soon as we can gather in a crowd. The state government, health officials and local communities are talking about cancelling the commercial fishing season. Yikes. They have cancelled bear hunts. Maybe just in Kodiak but folks were saying everywhere....I don't plan to hunt bears in any event.
We had 9 more confirmed cases...235 total in our state.
There is hopeful news that things are slowing down.