It is cold! It's been snowing all around us - just rain and cold here. BUT cold enough I put on my Yellow Yokota Sweat shirt. I woke up missing Japan...It's normal to wake up thinking of Japan on Saturdays as Saturday is the day the kids meet on Webex with Ryu and Kim to continue their Japanese lessons. This ugly yellow sweat shirt was purchased while I waited with two special ladies (Susane and Erika) at Yokota AB for the all clear to travel north after the quake and tsunami. I pondered the season when I learned to Dance in the Rain...learned at a gut-level God could be trusted with the Gherkins when I couldn't get to them and knew they were in danger. The week God dealt with deep fear in my life.
Stacia woke up and tried on her flower girl dress. She hadn't even combed her hair. I'm not posting a picture as I'm not sure BreAnne wants a photo posted....but I love that Arielle HAD to get right to Stacia's she sports "Princess Elsa's Coronation hair" from Frozen.
Michael joined us for a few minutes
UM - CONTRABAND - not sure WHY they packed this - must have been with our Christmas books. It was fun to find unexpected Japanese fireworks in with the Christmas books.
We have an excess of Christmas decorations. We didn't think so before we lived without it all for four years. ::grin:: However, we left many things on the shelves today. I don't think we'll get outside lights up. There isn't time before we leave and it doesn't seem worth it to do it for a week. I found this and it made me LAUGH all day. I think it would take care of the "dog problem." I could blast "Silent Night" or "O Come all Ye Faithful," when the dogs begin barking at 0200. ::snort:: I won't do it - but it's fun to think about. LOL
We opted to re-purpose the Thankful Tree. into a Jesse/Adorenament tree!
Our little tree
So happy to have purchased this last year....there are times when a memory from Japan surfaces and almost takes my breath away. It made me smile to see this.....praying for Japan as we prepare to celebrate Christmas here in America.
Arielle and Nolan made a quick dinner of crepes. They like to do that. We ended the night soaking outside in the freezing cold....steam, warm water, bracing cold almost feels like an onsen in Misawa.
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...