I'm chuckling to myself at the irony of this weekend that we so eagerly anticipated.
Saturday Mike had a parade that was fairly mandatory to attend. I would have gone and enjoyed it too, but was ill. It really wasn't a day off for Mike.
Sunday was a full day. This also was not a day off for Mike.
Today Mike is ill. Very ill. He hasn't gotten up. The last time this happened was over 6 years ago. Instead of the family things we'd planned for today....he stayed in bed, the little ones played, Nolan had speech, I bought a Christmas gift for Cy and Arielle, I spent far to much time on the computer as it's "my week" on SHS.
We finished unit 1 of year 1 in TOG on Friday. Our new books should arrive any time. I think we'll take the rest of this week to do any catch up and work on non-TOG subjects. We are still debating just what we want our school year schedule to look like this year. At this point, we're staying on track with the school district but the younger ones and I may deviate shortly. We love the flexibility to explore things on our own schedule and I sense that is about to happen. ::snort::
We've not gotten into a good school groove yet either. Mostly I am just exhausted from doing it all alone I think.........
I am planning to take all of next week off. I wanted to do no "school" from Thanksgiving to NY, like when they were little. We just did "Christmas school" then. But their being jr. and sr. high just freaks me out. It's kinda freaky to take all next week off, too.....but we're going to. I need to. And I want to start baking cookies :)
How is your head? I hope Mike is feeling better, too.
De'Etta, I hope Mike is feeling better.
Woohoo! Congratulations on being 1/4 way done with your school year. It's a good feeling, isn't it? :)
Praying for both you and Mike and your health. Who likes to be sick? NO ONE!
We made some progress this Vet's Day vacation.......... But full force at school again starting today.
Hope this will post. Having some problems getting things to post to your blog. ??? Maybe I'm getting old. At school this last year there were A LOT of teacher and EA's who retired. They are trying to figure out who is now the oldest. Some think me but I am not about to tell them my age until I want to retire. I don't want a forced retirement. Use to want to be 70 but now considering 75. However I am not about to turn 70. Kinda funnyl to see them trying to find out......... My lips are sealed for a few more years. Don't care if people know my age who are not at school. :):)
Kelly - we used to take from Thanksgiving to New Years off and start our new school year in Jan. I LOVED it. When the olders moved to high school they wanted "normal". And so we all became normal - or as normal as we can be. I'm thinking now that we can stay on the same year, begin in the fall, but the littles and I can take more time off as we go along and have a shorter summer - which works well for us...we need routine of some sort....Still thinking. The olders want to stay normal. I like the idea of a week every 9 weeks for me to update portfolios, make sure all assignments are in, schedule outside appts and reasses where we are.
LOL Yeah, Michelle, given Mike's TDY's, my health, the kids' activities, World View Camp - we really aren't doing badly at all. LOL
Mom - your comment showed up three times so I deleted two of them. LOL
Still trying to reach you - will try later but I have Bible Study tonight.
UGH... sorry you guys have been under the weather. We have "stuff" going around here as well.
I'll be praying Cindy.
Hope you are feeling better and sorry you had to deal with the "stuff" yesterday. That's all you needed but thanks for being there!
Sorry you all are sick. Hope Mike recovers quickly.
It is so disappointing when you have great plans for some days off and then they it falls apart.
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