The highlight of today was helping Carrie get some projects done at her home. Cory and us 5 congregated on their home with tools and truck. The first order of the day was moving a patio table and treadmill from her garage to more useful locations. We met their neighbor, Tyler, who also attends ACF church. He came over and helped move the treadmill up the stairs...this allowed Michael's bad back to avoid lifting.
To be honest, Michael didn't feel he needed help. Cory and I overruled him...and in the end Cory admitted it was heavy and he was glad Michael didn't tax his back.
While Cory and Michael put together the table and the treadmill, the girls and I moved piles of "stuff" previously collected in the yard to the driveway. Carrie's Dad came and he and Jamin loaded the truck. Jerry, Carrie's Dad, took 2 loads to the dump. When Josiah and Carrie bought the house, the previous owners per agreement left a variety of things to dispose. They were gardeners, Carrie is not.
Even Josi came out and enjoyed the fresh air and activity.
It was quite a process watching Cory and Michael move a glider into Josi's room and the treadmill into Carrie's room. LOL I am always amazed how things usually CAN fit around corners when one is motivated.
We also went through a shed with Carrie and brought some of Josiah's outdoor gear to our home where everyone will be able to borrow it as they would like. While the guys put things together and loaded the truck for the dump, the girls visited with Liv and snuggled with Josi. I missed photos.
GG and Josi |
We ended up benefitting from the previous gardeners. We brought home a compost thingy (looks like a big bingo pot), couple trellis', Josiah's outdoor equipment, greenhouse siding, canning supplies, and LOTS of cardboard!
Stacia spent the night in town so she can be with Josi and Liv tomorrow. Allie, GG and I headed home to finish dinner and meet Jenni. Jamin had to get back to work. Michael and Cory loaded up the truck, drove home and unloaded the truck.
It was a gorgeous day today! The skies were striking this morning as I sipped my cuppa chai in the garden. In the morning. Before any work. It doesn't happen if I wait. LOL Look how GREEN everything has recently gotten.
I knew the day was going to be busy and didn't plan to spend time in the garden today but sitting out there led to weeding the strawberries, finding a couple more spears of asparagus and a strawberry, and planting 3 tomato plants and some sugar snap peas. There is something to the "relaxing in the garden" theory.
Do you wonder what we are going to do with our new gardening finds? The trellis' will go right into garden beds. The cardboard is going to be placed in the garden walkways and covered with mulch. Michael plans to take the greenhouse siding and make little covers for several beds to extend our growing season. CoRielle may take the composty thing...if not it will be good for mixing our own soil amendments in future years.
We enjoyed dinner and an episode of All Creatures Great and Small with Jenni.
Michael began drawing up deck plans. It's become apparent I am challenged when picturing blueprints. I need to go outside with a measuring tape, rope and cardboard to lay things out. LOL
Allie, Michael and I found something to watch on Netflix after GG went to bed.
It was a good, productive, beautiful, long day...mixed with moments of longing and missing Josiah...just about where we should be at this point of our new journey.