Mummies for Michelle
::snort:: Don't you love the title? Michelle here's the link with photos from when we started the project. I first saw this in one of the library books we'd checked out. I didn't want to use baking soda so I googled "apple mummies" and came up with lots of instructions. Most said to use baking soda and salt mixed together. Two said it was optional; I left it out.
Cut your apples in 1/2.
Dig out the insides (talk about brains through the nose and internal organs if you have kids that like those sorts of things).
Put one apple on a plate.
Put an inch of salt in the bottom of an airtight container. Put the other apple on top of this. Cover with salt.
Cover container.
Set on a shelf.
Compare at 2, 4, and 6 weeks. I think it might be good to put them in a dark area - but ours are sitting on my fireplace mantel. It's working.
I really thought the apple on the plate would become ant bait but so far - all's well.
It does have a certain ring to it (LOL)! Mummies for Michelle. I like it >VBG>!
THANK YOU!!! I feel like I'm drowning in apples with all the peeling, chopping and cooking we've been doing. Love the title! :::smirk:::
Oh, and do you happen to have the recipe for your grandma's caramel apple cake? I promise I'll stop pestering you as soon as we use up all these apples. :::snicker::: Want some?
ARGH - the Caramel Apple Cake recipe....I won't go sleep tonight until I post it.
hmmm...I wonder if you could try this experiment with some road kill...wouldn't that make it more realistic!? LOL
We will be doing the ancients again next year and this will be a fun project. Can't wait to see how it looks after the six weeks.
Ewww....YUCK....Debbie....but who may work.
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