Grams' Apple Cake
1 C Sugar
1/4 C shortening
1 Egg
1 C Flour
1 tsp Soda
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1/2 C Nuts
1 C grated Apple
Mix all - put in a greased and floured 9 x 9 pan. Bake in 350* oven for 25-30 minutes.
1 T Cornstarch
1/2 C White Sugar
1/2 C Brown Sugar
1/4 C Butter
1/2 C Coffee Cream (I don't KNOW what this is - I just use cream and it's yummy)
I add vanilla - as much as I want ::snort::
Mix well. Cook until thick, serve hot over cake.
I LOVED this cake. Michael doesn't like caramel and the kids seem to follow his tastes on this one so this was a company cake. The thing is - I've not tried it with our healthier ingredients I'm going to have to...and the weight gain will be my friend, Michelle's fault! ::snort:: If any of you crunchy moms try this with things such as whole wheat, butter, honey or rapadura - do tell how it turns out and what you did. LOL I worked on the chocolate pecan pie last holiday. LOL
Ahhhh, the recipe! :::grin::: Sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing it. I'll gladly take the blame. (putting out a pouty it working or does it only work for 2 and 3 yr olds?)
The apple cake looks divine!!!
Thanks for the rice recipe. I'm going to try that. My family refuses to eat rice since we switched to brown. You'd think I was poisoning them! And I now refuse to make both kinds :)
Kelly - I really liked the rice.
The apple cake IS yummy!
Man how I miss Mom's good cooking. She would have been in 7th heaven to be able to work with you on fixing recepie's to the new way.
I'm way to LAZY to do much cooking anymore. It is just not fun to cook for two once a person has had a family to cook for. Besides who needs all the extra weight. :) :(
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