TOG only spends ONE WEEK studying Ancient China. They spent about the same amount of time in year 3 and year 4. That just isn't enough time for us. We are spending this week finishing up extra books, and doing hands on projects. So far we chose what we want to do and practiced with chopsticks.
I'll keep you informed as the week progresses. Yep, it's time to pull out the dead fish and make fish prints. ::snort::
Arielle and Nolan both finished books today.
Arielle has been bored with upper grammar and is reading all the dialectic (7-8 or 9th) lit reading and some of the history. We held her back a year because we didn't want her to graduate at 17 or young 18. HOWEVER, she is working hard this year to catch up in Language Arts and she's already doing the Jr High lit and some history I'll probably let her skip on up to 6th grade next year. Mike and I need to talk. The young graduate issues remain. If she skips to 6th next year (as an 11 yo) she'll graduate when she is 17. ::snort::I went between supervising school, teaching math tips, and exploring China, to writing up this week's Bible Study homework, making 3 or 4 worksheets on how to do Word Studies, and copying things for tonight. I promised the kids that this would be the last Bible Study I write until summer..... However, I have one bouncing around in my head for 10 - 14 year old girls that I may have to write as I can't find what I want. ::snort::
We are also struggling w/ graduating a 17 year old. Our son asked to skip a grade and graduate at 17. After much prayer we decided to move him up.
I am trusting the Lord for direction for our son.
Praying for you as well on that.
BUSY BUSY! I'm wondering if I'll ever figure out that there is always "something" and school that all have to be done....
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