Here Mike demos an auto-injector while Stacia tries to help.

Can you see the "newsies" hat? The cross is the most important "rank" on the uniform...
But...I'd be fudging if I didn't admit that we were all a bit excited to see that new rank on the newly issued uniform. {G}
Thanks to Jared for taking the photos. Others will have to wait until I learn how to blur without creating yellow blobs on the photos. LOL
Good pictures! Hope you can figure out the program to change the photos. Probably you can still save the original image on your computer in addition to the changed ones.
Still the best looking Chaplain we know. Praying!
L/P MomT
Wonder if Mike would scare me less if he was the one to block a nerve (by needle) in my neck on Friday. :) Actually they put a person to sleep and so I won't feel anything until I wake up and poor Sherri has to drive me home.
Um...Mom...does this mean you are having surgery or something on Friday?
Mike is hazy on the details - I'll call tomorrow after the reception.
Congratulations on his promotion! They are always so much fun...
Jen in Az.
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