Doctors, Floods, Long Distance, Babies and New Friends
I’m finding it very hard to be motivated. I’m not sure why – I simply want to laze around. That being said:
Lying in bed last night I realized I’d broken my cardinal rule. I’d allowed myself to be talked into thinking that I had no options. I have options. A person always has options. This whole tri-care thing: I didn’t HAVE to accept their lame answer that Krista couldn’t be seen while living here. If she couldn’t be seen on base – I would take her off base. I called the walk-in clinic that they send us to if we get sick on off duty hours. They wanted $125 - $350 for an appointment. I called the clinic a mile down the road by the grocery store. Their walk in appointments would be $50. I took Krista in. In less than an hour we had driven over there, been seen, gotten a prescription that has enough refills to last a year and we were out of there. I told Krista, “See, this is what civilian medicine is like. An appointment within the day, 5 min wait in the office and no hassle”. We headed to Walgreens. They assured us that she can pick up refills in WA. However – it was $80 for meds today because none of it is covered by Tri-care – but we had OPTIONS. I am going to try on FRIDAY to call Fairchild for an appointment so that she can get refills covered by Tri-care. I’m also going to write a nice letter to Tri-care national, the local tri-care service center, our patient advocate and the commander of the med group. The brochure they gave us yesterday said college students CAN be seen at school or home….so why the hassle. The doc said that I should have just made the appointment, taken her in, shown her ID card and not even mentioned where she was enrolled. Hmmm….
I came home to discover that my living room was flooding. A bit of investigating led me to discover a surprise. Mike had told two of the kids (nameless to protect their reputations) to defrost the freezer for me. I always boil water and “pester it” and Mike’s theory is “unplug it and let it defrost”. Well they did. And the water ran across the garage and seeped under the baseboards into the living room. LOL BUT the freezer looks great and I do appreciate that.
Bre called Verizon and found out that the $15 plan I added for unlimited long distance when they left home…covers GUAM. This means she can call Amanda, her best friend, at no cost. She is excited. I’m excited to get my $15 worth out of Verizon. :::snort:::
I’ve been thinking of Babies all day…praying for Becky to have her baby and for Cecile as she is on bed rest.
Bre MOWED THE LAWN TODAY…this was amazing to see. It’s a first for her.
I baked bread and Jamin baked soft pretzels….
Tonight I went to meet an online friend who’s dh has just moved her and family here to be the newest chaplain on base. They have 4 children. The poor man has to hit the ground running as Mike leaves on Tuesday and needs to brief him before he leaves….then he’ll be taking over a service next Sunday because that chaplain is going to school…..never dull around here.
That’s it for today…
I hope you find your motivation. No telling what you can accompish when you feel like it lol.
Civilian care isn't exactly like that. Well, you can get an appt. that day, but we wait for an hour in the waiting room if we don't have a 7:45 appt. UGH. But I always try to make my appt. at 7:45 lol. I love my doctor and really like his phys. assistant so much more. I am so sorry you have to go through such hassles with tri-care. It really seems crazy!
Hope you got all dried out. I thought you were going to say you flooded because of rain. If that were the case, you are ready for Wright Patt and Ohio lolol......
Hi DeEtta,
Your health care woes would make me tempted to pay the small Samaritan Fee and skip that other altogether. And to thin, people REALLY THINK we should let the gov handle our health care???? Well.. you know I'm not a good one to ask because I have issues with insurance companies as well... so many stories about ins companies denying treatment, etc. I guess I need to remember to be thankful that I don't have insurance because no one tells me when I can have an appt nor who I can see (LOL). Sorry it's such a hassle for you. It's just not right.
Queenbee....yep...when we moved here we seriously considered the kids and I going with a Tricare option that would allow us to see civilian docs with a co-pay. We couldnt' swing the it's a mixed blessing. They are obnoxious at times but the care is usually o.k. and they are certainly a financial blessing. The thing is the DOCTORS are great - it's the red tape to see the doc that is terrible!
Tri-care can be such a bear. We had it when Bri was an AGR. We have great insurance now that he is a civilian technician.
I'm glad you were able to get Krista in to see the Dr.
What a novel idea to realize that you have options! I let myself get caught up in the "this is the way it has to be and there is no other way" thinking. I'm having a sad day today (Brian, Bess and Gabe are out for the day) and I was sitting here feeling pretty sorry for myself.
Thank you for reminding me that I can choose to be glum or choose to make the most of my day.
oh no about the flooding. I hope clean up wasn't too terrible. Glad you got your dd seen before she has to head back to school.
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