I'm sure we'll be hearing bits and tidbits for weeks to come about camp. When I asked Jared if there were any books we needed on the resource table at camp, he said, "They were all books we already have." LOL
Jamin was able to have a discussion with Jeff Baldwin. Jeff has written: "The Deadliest Monster", "The Twelve Trademarks of Great Literature", and "Super Thinker Worldview Primer" (for teaching worldview to your grammar students - I plan to get this one). He may have written more books.
His advice to Jamin is to self-publish his first book. He said if your book sells 50,000 copies they will come and ask YOU to let them publish your book. He said if you get a writing agent and your book doesn't sell, your career is over.
My questions are: 1. How much does it cost to self-publish? 2. Are "they" really watching the self-publishing world enough to spot a book that is doing well? 3. How do you market a book on your own well enough to sell that many copies?
Guess we have more food for thought in this maze that Jamin has pulled us into. ::snort::
I don't really know the answers to those questions. But, I do know that the Vegan Lunchbox lady did self publish her book and now it is being picked up by a publisher and being reissued. So obviously, someone was watching hers. She did sell through Amazon when she self published, so maybe the publishers watch reviews and sales and such there.
Hmmm....selling through Amazon....I think I'll assign Jamin some research this week - not that I need to assign it - but I'll remember to have him write down the he "explored self publishing" and "marketing via amazon". LOL
Well, you can start by marketing to 1800 of your closest friends, lol.
Whoops! I forgot what I was going to comment on. To tired to read it again.
Anyway, praying as Jamin looks into publishing.
My school friends who have read any of his poems or writings see him as very good....Especially when they know his age.
This is a selfpublishing company.
A third book in a teen girl series was just published through here. I asked my dd why the author turned to selfpublishing after her first two books were through Bethlehem Books - turns out they are no longer publishing fiction.
How to market - I think that is a good assignment for Jamin. Amazon is one option, a website, word of mouth, going through other companies (such as CBD?)
Of course, self-publishing means MORE editing for Mike and I. I'm telling you I'll never complain again about grading writing assignments. LOL
And...BTW...this books changes with each edit...the start has changed...and since camp more worldview things are going in.....
I agree with Kristine.. you could start with 1800 of your closest friends mix in another couple hundred blog readers, etc., and you should be well on your way... You could You Tube a recording of a chapter and then have the same 2000+ people all go and view it and that should get another several thousand who look at it on You Tube because it was so popular there!
Oh.. and didn't I read about some place for authors to put something on PBS? Maybe that's free stuff though? I haven't been there long enough to know.
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