What would it be like if we saw the power of God move in OUR culture as it did in Biblical times? Caleb, raised in seclusion in an Ethiopian Monastery is about to show the world what simple faith looks like.

In this sequel to Blessed Child, Caleb is a young man and struggling with the reality of his faith. This book is set in the struggle of the middle east for dominance in the region. It involves a search for the Ark of the Covenant - and I found it to raise intriguing thoughts as well as being a good book.
I was introduced to Ted Dekker last year when I read a couple of his Heaven books. I loved them. I then read "House" and wasn't so sure. I've not ventured into Blink, Three etc....but I got these from Paperback Swap (link in sidebar) and finally got around to reading them. They are wonderful. I was going to put them back on PBS, but the girls would like to read them. I'll ship them off this week. Maybe they'll bring them back at Christmas and I can list them. LOL
Oh yeah, these are part of my Fall Reading Challenge, but I've not got around to posting about that yet. I'm a bit out of order. LOL
Totally Unrelated:
Julie's croissant rolls...
5c flour (soft white I assume)
1/4 c honey
2pk rapid rise yeast
1 t salt
1/4 c milk
3/4 c butter
1/2 c water
3 eggs
Mix dry ingrediants w/2 cups flour, add warm liquids to dry. Beat 2min at med speed. Add eggs, beat 2min more. Add the rest of the flour to make stiff batter. Grease top of dough, cover w/plastic wrap and refrigerate 2 hrs. Punch down, divide in 1/2. Roll out, cut in 12 pie shaped wedges. Roll croissants. Cover and let rise till doubled (30-40 min), bake 375 for 15min
I confess I've never tried it.
You are GREAT Becky! I think I'll try them this week....
Thanks for the review! I think I'll try those books... will you please let me know when you list them so I can snag them or whatever you say on PBS.... or let me borrow them first and then list them (LOL).
Cindy - I'm not sure the girls will give them back - if they do and I post them I'll let you know.
I'm not sure how that works though. I think if I post them and they are on people's wait list it will go automatically to them...but once I post them I can let you know and you can request them from my bookshelf....maybe someone else will know if you can do what you asked.
Also - if you go NOW and put them on your wish list, they may already be listed on PBS.
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