Sunday, October 26, 2014

PF Chang's Shanghai Cucumbers

I went on a search for this recipe and found arguments over which tasted "most authentic" - most saying you need much more vinegar than below. I finally check PF Chang's website and low and behold they HAD the recipe. Yay. They have a few other recipes on the site - but this was the only vegan one I saw.
They didn't peel theirs!!!!

12 oz peeled and seeded cucumbers, cut into 1 inch pieces (about 1.5 medium cukes)
3 T of Soy Sauce
1 tsp of White Vinegar
1/4 tsp Sesame Oil
1/2 tsp toasted Sesame Seeds

Prepare the cucumbers

Mix the sauce ingredients together

Mix the sauce with the cucumbers

Sprinkle Sesame Seeds over top.

Cynthia enjoyed these at PF Changs. I made a double batch for our potluck. They're all gone. I can't remember what it tasted like at the restaurant, but Cynthia said the only difference was mine were less salty - I use a low sodium soy sauce.

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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