In a local workshop we take a book of the Bible and work through these steps. That's it for today.....maybe more later....on to portfolios.
Accurate Overview/Establishing Context
1. Read passage to discover the type of literature
History Poetry Prophecy Letter
2. Read passage to discover Historical Setting
Focus on PEOPLE (author, recipients, others) & events
What is happening in their times?
3. Mark key people throughout passage
They will always be repeated
4. Mark key words
Key Words unlock the meaning of the Passage
They will always be repeated
5. Make lists of all key words
Don’t paraphrase – use the text
6. Discover the book theme
Always comes out of the key words
7. Discover the purpose of the book
Look for a problem
8. Choose a summary statement
9. Choose a chapter theme
Themes and summary statements come from key words
Adapt the method to the Passage!
If you can’t find key words, look at the Historical setting for themes!
*Material summarized by De’Etta; 2003 “Methodical Bible Study” by Robert Traina, “How to Study Your Bible” by Kay Arthur, Intro to “New Inductive Study Bible” and Precept training workshops.
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