I teach workshops on how to study the Bible. I've been asked to do this "online" several times over the years but I've not figured out how to really do that. I can give you "notes" but it's the in- person, give and take that really makes a study "shine". I have usually followed a workshop by a Precept upon Precept study because these are written to lead a student through the inductive process. The Navigators also have an inductive series of studies that require less of a time committment than a Precept study. They give you some of the key words and the definitions, whereas with Precept you do all the work yourself.
I've also heard from many who have taken the workshop and never do a Precept class. They take the tools and are able to study any topic/passage in the Bible on their own.
If you are local, I'm currently praying about doing a local workshop. I'm still working out logistics. I'm thinking that a several week course rather than all day Saturday - with each student bringing in a study they are working on through the time to share would be great.....maybe a youth/adult workshop. I don't think I'll be leading Precept studies at our current base - but the tools are so very important.....
Below is the front side of a "laminated card" that I've created for my workshops. Someone mentioned it would be nice to have a "summary" that would fit into their Bible and so I created it. LOL The front summarizes the Inductive Method and the back lists the steps to accurately establish context. The format won't copy here....but I'll upload the text for you. Again - I'm not sure how helpful it will be as this is the "bones" of the method...but it's a start. I'm still not sure how to do a workshop online.
Inductive Bible Study Method
To know God & have a transformed Life
All study begins with Prayer!
Three elements/not steps of inductive Bible Study
Observation – What does it say?
~Ask the 5 W’s & H questions
~Acts 17:11
Interpretation – What does it mean?
~ CONTEXT rules
~Seek the full counsel of the Word of God
~Scripture will not contradict Scripture
~Don’t base convictions on obscure passages
~Interpret Scripture literally (according to literary style)
~Look for the single meaning of the passage
~Includes word studies & commentaries
Application – What does it say to me?
~Scripture will teach, reprove, correct and train in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16 – 17)
~What does the passage teach?
~Does this section of Scripture expose any error in my beliefs or in my behavior?
~What is God’s instruction to me, as His child?
~When applying Scripture beware of:
*applying cultural standards instead of Biblical standards
*trying to strengthen a legitimate truth by using a Scripture incorrectly
*applying a Scripture out of bias from past training/teaching
~ Apply what the Holy Spirit reveals – OBEDIENCE!
*Material summarized by De’Etta; 2003 “Methodical Bible Study” by Robert Traina, “How to Study Your Bible” by Kay Arthur, Intro to “New Inductive Study Bible” and various Precept training workshops.
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