Friday, July 19, 2024

Grands, Dip Netting Prep and Memories

It was my joy to hang out with Liv and Josi today!  This little gal is developing quite a personality! 

We did some chores, we visited, we ate, we played. 

Liv is QUICK at make bracelets...she's making a LOT of the just now. 

Our biggest accomplishment was keeping Josi awake until 6:50 p.m. Our goal was 7 p.m. She's slept through the night the last two nights if she goes down at 7. It took both of us to do it! 

I certainly look sleepier than Josi. 

While I was away, Michael was busy with CoRielle. It was probably good I wasn't around as I burst into tears and had a mini "session" in the driveway when I saw the dipnets all lined up. This shelf broke last week. I know Michael was happy to have Cory stop by to help today. They rebuilt the shelf, and we now have power in the RV again. 
📷by Arielle 

I'm not sure what they're doing, but I do think Benny and Charle's haircuts are adorable. Today marks one year since Charles' fun it is not to put smiley faces over his face. 
📷by Arielle 

📷by Arielle 

The nets are repaired and ready to go. It's time for me to make time for a Costco run and to outfit the RV... and clear out a freezer to take with us. We've already determined this year is more about "getting through the first," being together and remembering and honoring Josiah, than it is about fish. None of us are going for our limit this year. I envision much more time simply being together.  

As we prep, I can't help remembering Josiah in the midst of all the prep, driving, set up, arranging parking, schlepping coolers of fish and gear up and down the beach...and this iconic photo from last year. We would not have made it through this year without our relationships with Jesus. We just wouldn't have. I suppose we would have - but I sure wouldn't have wanted to. 


A day with Livie and Josi. 
CoRielle's help with prep. 
Late night talk on the deck with Michael. 

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