Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Musings (OK I can't get the new family photo to upload....LOL)

I can remember clearly a day 17 years ago. I was living in the Thurston area of Springfield, OR. I had Bre (4) and Krista (2). I was pregnant and tired and decided to take the two girls to Bob’s for lunch. It was a fun lunch. The girls were behaving and Bre began to really CONVERSE with me. She began to talk about things she’d like to do when she grew up, asked me questions about what I thought and what I felt (Krista stuck French fries in her ear and up her nose)….and I caught a glimpse of the promise of the future. I clearly thought, “This is a lot of work right now, but some day these girls are going to be so FUN and be my very best friends”.

I realized while they were home that that day has arrived. They LIKE to spend time with me. I heard each of them tell folks that they missed long talks with me and that I was fun to be around. They still value my thoughts; even while they actively form their own thoughts on so many new issues. One of them told me I was a great mentor to her. Another told me she REALLY wanted to know what I thought about some issues. They are fun. We enjoy each other. They are some of my very best friends now.

I was thinking these thoughts and feeling a bit lonely this afternoon. I decided to make myself a cuppa tea. I sat down and drank and stared and contemplated….and Arielle came in and asked if she could sit with me. She’s not a real tea drinker. She DOES enjoy a nice cuppa milk. I had my favorite tea cup (which Krista had used at our last tea as it is also her favorite cup)….Arielle chose the tea cup that Bre had brought me all the way from Boston. In this way I felt the memory of the girls in our party. We had a great talk. We talked about my grams, my best friend when I was growing up, what she’s been thinking about, how she feels with the big girls gone, how she feels with Dad gone…and somewhere during our tea party, I had that clear glimpse into the promise of the future again. I’m so blessed to have 4 daughters and 5 sons…yep…it’s a lot of work right now….but what a full life I’m living and will live. I LIKE the adults these children are becoming.


Anonymous said...

That brought tears when I read it! Good tears. :) Reminds me that I need to have more tea times....

Lisa in Jax said...

What great words!

I love those quiet times when I get to sit down with the kids and just talk. I guess that's why Eric and I haven't stopped having kids. I get those glimpses and think how can I decide who gets to be here and who doesn't. Before I know it, another one's on it's way.lol

Debbie said...

De'Etta, thank you so much for this post. I'm right in the middle of "It's just so much work" and it is wonderful to hear words that encourage me for the future. I can see that with Bessie but somedays I have a hard time getting past thinking that the Littles will be little forever.


Jodi said...

awwww that is wonderful. It sounds like you've raised some wonderful young people and more on the way up. Those moments when they just want to sit and chat are priceless. Mine are younger but it is so cool to get a glimpse into what they might be like as adults, especially my dd. I am often brought to a feeling of wonder, how is she turning out so well, did I get something right. LOL It's good confirmation but really it's just good in general to see them grow and change.

Anonymous said...

Sis: AMEN on the liking the "adults" the children are becoming......... Dad/I are so proud and blessed at the adults our three have become. Love Ya!