A common pasttime in the late 19th/early 20th Century was to make and display silhouettes. In a day when photographs weren't common, people would make locket size silhouettes, framed silhouettes for their walls, and even kept scrapbooks of their loved ones varying silhouettes.
We tried our hand at making some today. We're going to send ours to Kuwait. I think they turned out pretty cute. (Argh!!!! The photos won't load! I have no clue why it does this sometimes....I'll try again later.)
Try adding photos first, then adding the writing. I have trouble also, if I try to add a photo to an existing blog. I know that it's a pain but hopefully the blogger people will figure everything out soon.
I wonder if the trouble is because of BETA? I used to have trouble uploading and now I haven't had a bit of trouble at all since using Firefox and I know that isn't working for you either. It IS quite frustrating so I feel your pain!!!
I can remember doing silhouettes in grammar school. That would be a fun activity for us to try. Thanks for mentioning it.
I'm using beta and have not had any trouble loading photos. I do load them at a small size, so maybe that has something to do with it.
re my photos....
Most of the time they load - in old blogger. About a month ago I had several pictures I really wanted to load and they wouldn't. This would happen every once in a while. I switched to Firefox and get the same message. In other words for ME when it works - it works and when it doesn't - nothing is helping.
I then switched to Beta because I'd heard that could help.....same as before sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Though beta is MUCH quicker and allows me to put category links on my entries.
I do the photos first....sometimes....I'll have to start watching that. Thanks for the tip Lisa.
I even set up a word press blog thinking I may switch there but I really like the "ease" of not having to store my photos to photo bucket or having to shrink them before uploading them.
I emailed the blogger folks. Two weeks and I heard from them "we're concentrating on fixing beta - sorry we won't be answering personal questions until all the beta bugs are worked out Thanks for letting us know you have a bug." LOL
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