Our school day began with a field trip. We're beginning our study on the 20th Century. I LOVE this time period as my Grams was born then. I can picture her life as a girl in the midst of all the inventions etc that we are studying about. One fun thing we learned last week was that Theodore Roosevelt, the President, was a big hunter. However, he refused to shoot a bear cub on one of his hunts. An energizing young man and his wife made a stuffed bear based on the cartoon in the media, named it "Teddy's Bear" and sent it to the whitehouse. The rest is history!!!
First we picked the shells of the animals the kids wanted to make. Photo won't load.
Stacia loved playing with the flat bears best of all...again anything can be a teether.
Here we learn how eyes are put on stuffed animals in general.
The kids ran the "stuffing machine".
Each bear has a "wish" burried in it. The kids took the star, held it over their hearts, made a wish, kissed the star, and put it in the bear. I cried. {g}
It was fun. I suggested to her that a fun thing to do would be homeschool field trips (or school field trips). I told her she could read the little Legend of the Teddy Bear book, show how a bear is made, and then let those who want to make a bear. She liked the idea. She said she'd give us a discount if I arranged a homeschool field trip. Maybe....
WHAT a FUN FIELD TRIP! I remember our time at Build A Bear last year about this time. The kids LOVED it and still keep their bears out on their desk.
Cool field trip! That's one great thing about studying this time period.
Great picts and oh what fun! Aren't you creative to offer! She would LOVE you! It would bring in many people there to do business!
Beth in GA
This looks cuter than build a bear because you don't put the eyes on at build a bear, the flat bears already have eyes. I wish any of these would go to the mall nearer us the ones that is 40 minutes. Hayley loves BaB but the closest is more like 90 minutes drive! Maybe a snuggle one will go in closer or has gone in since we were last there, I should check! Anyway, looks like a fun trip and it would indeed make a fun field trip
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