New Schedules…
We switched our day around today. It worked…but we had no time for going anywhere to play…..I’ll have to keep playing. We went out and did the field trip first…then some hands on things – all while Stacia was up and busy. After lunch we did couch school and I helped Arielle and Nolan with their independent work, while Stacia napped. It worked – but I much prefer school in the a.m. and playing in the afternoon.
Poor Stacia has a NASTY diaper rash. I let her run around outside “au naturale” today much to the chagrin of Zander. I was hoping the sun would help.
I made 2 quarts of BBQ sauce today. We used some to pour over the meat loaf tonight but I still have quite enough for Jamin to use for pizza and for every day use.
Bible study was tonight. Two of our members couldn’t make it but we had a good time. I have enjoyed thinking about what it means to have an advocate this week. What a redeemer we have!
I think you should definitely leave time for I'm still tweaking our schedule but we are finally getting things done and we still have time for play. In fact, I'm thinking we need some park time
Oooh. I know what to do about nasty diaper rashes. I should be an expert by
Let her air out at each diaper change. Long enough to dry the area. Then coat in some Zinc Oxide cream. I like Boudreaux's Butt Paste. Then cover that with Petroleum Jelly. Usually, by the next change Isaac will be all better but during teething episodes I have to keep this up or he'll be raw at the next
Lisa... I have the Butt paste and had tried that. Doesn't that stuff have a sort of nasty smell? Maybe it's me. I tried CA child too. LOL
I think at the first sign of a rash from here on out, I'll do your suggestion and if it doesn't clear move on to the Lotrimin. LOL
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