Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Revisited

 Stacia and I ended up with dental cleanings at 0900. I'm not sure HOW, but we did.  I was rather happy to fit an hour of gardening into the early morning schedule. This is my newest mug, a gift from Mona and Kari. 

The first buds are showing up in the garden this morning. We DO have an incredibly short growing season up here, but things grow amazingly fast with 20 hours of sunlight a day. 

The dentist was painless. They continue to push for me to have one of my wisdom teeth removed. I'm 60 years old. What to do?  My mother ALWAYS took us to Dairy Queen after the dentist. Always. I asked Stacia if she'd rather go to Dairy Queen or Sophias? She opted for Sophias - and that is how I scored one of Autumn's scones! We have eaten all the tea treats I had squirrelled away in the freezer. I just haven't had "time" to make more scones. I should - but the garden and devil's club calls...and I must go! 

It was good to sit and chat with Stacia. The summer isn't turning out the way she envisioned...but after the hard year it may be just the summer God knows her soul needs. She's doing a lot of work with her counselor (grief and trauma) and her physical therapist (TMJ)...she enjoys being busy. Distraction IS one of the most common coping techniques for grief. It's a hard good for her to slow down. 

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