I forgot to mention below that I was up at 3 a.m. because of Zander “going straight to bed” last night. LOL He filled up the last few tickets on his chart today and earned Play Station time. Earlier in the week he had glued a ticket on the last slot and tried to convince me it should work. Poor kid was so tired that this is the sight that greeted me when I peeked from the kitchen. {best photo won't load} Notice what he's doing in his sleep.

I also forgot to say that Jamin heard back from the Christians Writer’s Guild. Now he is trying to decide if he wants to edit his book alone and try to shop it around to publishers, or if he wants to work through their program. They recommend that he begins the Squire program. They would pair him with an established Christian Author who would mentor him. He would have 10 assignments a year to finish. He would email work to the mentor and the mentor would respond back. This group is founded by Jerry Jenkins and they put on writer’s conferences etc. They have a big one coming up in February in Colorado Springs. They were very encouraging about the dream being possible with some mentoring and hard work….He sort of wanted to do the TOG writing and work on polishing his book…but he does see the benefit of having a mentor work on his writing with him. Before you faint from sticker shock….with the discounted price it is only $49 a month….and last time we did piano lessons over 4 years ago it was $60 a month. In other words his dream is to WRITE, to be an author….if I would pay $60 a month for piano lessons or $30 a month for football (which we did) then why not writing lessons? If anyone has personal experience with the guild we’d love to hear what you thought. I’m wondering if I should let him out of the TOG writing if he goes this route….but then the TOG writing integrates the facts he’s learning from so many sources…..I wish I'd known of this place myself about 20 years ago. LOL At this point in my life, I don't think that I could find time to write more than the blog. I have kicked around the idea of writing all my grams' stories up....it would be cool for the family to have it down...but I don't remember them all. Waaa....
Go Jamin! Way to follow your dreams! I love the pic of Zander sleeping and playing Xbox at the same time and also that pic of Stacia...too cute:)
I'll get your package mailed tomorrow. It took me a bit to hunt down the piece I needed but I found it.
Jen in Az.
I say let the Guild writing be his writing course. I mean, if it's like piano lessons, then you can add it as done on his transcripts. Sounds great to me!
Love the pictures!lol
You never know, especially at his age, which direction is going to lead him to his "life's passion". It sounds like he wants to be a writer, so I would allow him to do that and skip the TOG writing, as it would be WAAY too much for him. BTW what is he wanting to write his first book about?
Beth in GA
PS I made those peanut butter bars/brownies. I baked them for 30 mins instead of 20 and they turned out okay. At first I did 20 and they were TOO gooey!
His first book is 250 8 x 11 pages....it's a fantasy type book. He is torn now. He wants to work on IT and publish it and they are saying he needs to work through year 1 before they work with him on year 2 (where he would write a book). He's a homeschooler you know. The emails are going back and forth...."I've already learned that" "can I go faster" etc. The thing is.....I suspect he coud learn a LOT from a mentor even if it is the same stuff he's done in TOG.....we'll see what he decides.
I don't quite follow the TOG vs. Writer's Guild dilemma...May he do both? I'm sending an e-mail w/Amazon link about publishing and printing on demand. This part of Amazon specializes in helping authors w/finished or unfinished manuscripts.
This is an exciting time for Jamin!
That picture of Zander is wonderfully adorable! He made it to the goal, congrats Zander, bet he was dreaming about the game, LOL.
I don't think $49 a month is bad at all if this is his dream. Sounds like Jamin is talented and has a goal so i say why not. Our TKD is $70 a month per child and that is with the family discount. Sounds like a difficult decision for him but either way he's bound to do great!
The dilema is one of time and goals. He doesn't want to do TWO composition type classes at the same time. He wanted a class to specifically work on getting his book published by a "real" publisher.
The CWG feels that it is best to back up and let them take him through their program. He then wanted to go faster but their mentors are only required to go at a certain pace. LOL I think he could gain a lot from the program but he is torn because he feels like the program shows you HOW to write a book and he's already written it. I see the difference in that he'd have PROFESSIONAL,published authors dialoguing with him about his writing instead of ME. LOL
I'm not sure what he's going to do. There is no reason he can't continue to work on his book, do TOG and this program...but that's the dilema. LOL
He told me tonight that he has the first 5 pages of his novel ready to send away to be critiqued....we shall see.
OH Darshia - forgot to say thanks for the amazon link - we'll check it out.
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