Friday, October 20, 2006

A Mother's Love

One of our daughter's friends left a comment on my my space blog. Part of it went something to the effect of "thank you for showing me what a mother's love for her children looks like. You'll never know how much that has meant."

I cried.

As I prayed for this dear girl (who is 22) and thought about it early this a.m. I realized that so many children/young adults are in this same boat. My generation of women and the generation before mine were focused on "equality" and "fulfillment". Everywhere we look, from Christian authors to secular talk show gurus, we are reminded to "take care of YOUR needs" sometimes with "too" added on.... I've thought for a long time that children were getting lost in women's search for fulfillment.

Unfortunately, this has happened in the church among Christian families as well. This is NOT an entry about women working...because I've seen many stay at home mom's that are as guilty of neglecting their children as working moms. Shame on us for pointing fingers at each other rather than focusing on the path God has called us too and supporting each other. This is simply some thoughts...meant to be encouraging...hang with me here. :::Snort:::

Scriptures clearly tell us to look out for the interests of others (certainly our children would be included in "others"). The verses that continue to speak to me the most about this are Phil 2: 1-11. We are to "do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interest of others."

I've been surprised when I teach these verses how often they've been taught in Christians circles to justify that we ARE to take care of OURSELVES. Folks bring out verse 4 and say that this proves that we ARE to look out for ourselves FIRST and then for others. assumes we will be looking out for our needs. If you check the context of these verses you quickly discover that the MAIN point Paul is making is not that Mommies need to go out for Ladies Night Out. {bg} I realize that there are many wounded individuals in our midst who need to be told it is OK to care for themselves...but most of us instinctively do take care of our basic needs...and quite a few other needs that aren't so basic. I don't believe I'm the only selfish person in fact....I'm sure I'm not. We're all HUMAN.

The very next verse (Phil 2:5) to "have the attitude that was also in Christ Jesus" and the next 6 verses describe that attitude. In other words laying down our lives for others, humble, not grasping for equality....

Paul begins by telling us to regard one another as more important than ourselves....has a quick blurb about not merely meeting our own needs...and concludes by saying have the attitude of Christ....and WE pull out of their justification to pursue our selfish desires. {sigh}

Meanwhile two generations of children have been raised without anyone considering their needs FIRST. Many of these children have NEVER experienced unconditional or unselfish love. Many were born to be trophies for Mom and Dad. These children have had children....or will in the next few years. I fear for the generation after my children's generation.....because I see so many wounded in my children's generation.

Ladies, it is time for US to step up and be the Titus 2 older women; mentoring, nurturing and illustrating godly love to these young women and children. I often hear from women my age (40's and 30's) that "no one has EVER mentored me". Guess what? I've said it. I've longed for someone older to mentor me in mothering and in being a wife...but at this point it's time for ME (and others like me) to quit selfishly bemoaning that we've never had a mentor, and begin to impact the lives of those who are younger than us and have not only not had a mentor but not experienced a mother's love as God intended for it to be. God has been faithful to mentor me through His living Word. I've found all the encouragement, direction and support I've needed in the Word. I'm sure at some point God is bringing a mentor into my life. {G} I've been so impressed by my friend Chris. For years she and her husband served as a host family for many Master's Commission students. She showed many of those young adults the first "mother love" they'd experienced.

I'm certainly not advocating that we all go out and focus on other's children to the neglect of our own. I'm saying that we need to be aware. We need to pray for those wounded youth that God brings our way. We need to build relationships with 20, 30 year old women who are young moms and have no idea what God would require of a mother. We need to reach out to that obnoxious young mom who grates on our nerves (you know who I mean - most of you have a picture of one such woman). We need to care. We need to ask God if that person is in our life because WE have some role to play in her healing and wholeness. OUCH...

There are seasons in our lives. It would not serve us well to neglect our children to minister to others...but in the dailiness of sacrificially loving your children, caring for them, looking out for have no idea how many will be impacted. How many other moms are watching you? How many young moms are watching how you mother? How many of your children's friends are saying "wow - that's what a Christian family can be like"? We ARE called to be salt and light. We are to impact our society and there are at least two generations of adults/children that need us to impact them with love. This begins as we begin to impact our CHILDREN by loving them as GOD loves us.

Obviously, none of us are perfect. I am NOT a perfect Mom. In mothering my children, however, God has ministered to others. I've had several tell me or my children that our family is the ONLY family they know where mom, dad and their children all live in one home. As you fulfill your call to out for those friends of your children that God brings your way...simply by mothering your children and loving their may make a huge impact on society. It's as simple as walking in obedience to the Word....or as Paul says "living by the Spirit". None of us are STUCK at home...God desires us to minister to our families and to minister to others through our families.

I am passionate about women and about women finding healing from life's hurts at the feet of Jesus. Because I have. I have not had to walk through the issues that many of our youth are walking through. There have been times when this passion has led me to be WAY over committed outside the home in women's ministry and mentoring relationships (as in Alaska, Darshia). God lovingly pulls me back each time. The best way for ME to minister to the hurts of women is to keep my life in balance. My primary focus is my young ones....He brings others around for me to touch. As simply as a young adults friend watching and seeing what a Godly Mom could be like and desiring that for her life and even beginning to receive healing as she realizes that what she has was not what God meant for her to have. It's NOT all her fault.

We don't have to go search for ministry. We simply need to be faithful right where God has placed us. Ministry is sure to find us! BTW don't expect ministry to LOOK a certain way....I guess cleaning those fingerprints off the wall is ministry, making that menu, taking the walk to the park, ah....meeting a young mom at the park and simply letting her observe how you parent......teaching a study, taking a young lady to lunch, sending a carepackage to your daughter and including something for her friend who never hears from home....

What we are doing as Christian mothers matters so much! Let's excel at it. I even give you permission to OVERACHIEVE! In the process...let's keep our hearts humble and not worry about judging others who are also trying their best to mother and wife...have you ever realized that mother can be a noun or verb...but wife...well what would be the verb for that...wifing....hmmm...thoughts to ponder.


Anonymous said...

Powerful stuff. Especially since I've been "one of those mom's" lately. I have no idea how to parent a teen that thumbs their nose at house rules. I'd rather spend my time doing something that feels rewarding than banging my head against that brick wall. *sigh*

Jen said...

Interesting that you should start blogging on this now. Between the chapters in the Mary Heart... book on serving in love, and reading Amish fiction on women serving, it is very timeful. I have been working on my heart about doing things in love and not resenting my place. Obviously, God has a message for me!

Lisa in Jax said...

I come to your post on both sides of the I grew up a latch key kid who raised my brother alone most days. It was very hard to find my place in this world. For years I struggled with being a stay at home mom because I didn't have that role model growing up. I have really grown over the years and not only like being a mom now, but I really enjoy what I "do". lol I have seen many new parents with the same struggles that I had and I try to show them the joy of my job and a lot of grace. I have this new mom in my neighborhood that I've been gently mentoring lately who is always telling me how she won't pick up her dd when she cries at night because she doesn't want her child to become dependent on her and how she only breastfed for a few months because she didn't like being tied down so much. She's even trying to wean her 6 month old from the bottle because she's afraid that she'll NEED that bottle for too long. lol I try to show her that her little one will only be little for a short while and that it's o.k. to love and hold them for as long as they let you. I make sure that I show a lot of love for my kids and for hers so that I can be a model for her and hopefully show her that it won't ruin her kids. I believe that she wasn't shown a lot of grace and unconditional love while growing up and she really doesn't know how to show her baby those things. I know that my first kids didn't get as much grace and love as my youngers but I'm getting better with age and experience and I'm trying to make up for my mistakes now.

This is a wonderful post, De'Etta! I'm finding as I get older, how much people look to me for guidance. I'm trying to show my light not only in public but at my home now so that I can be a better example to others and to my own children. What a blessing this post is!


Cynthia said...

Thanks for your post! It was worth the wait (LOL)... meaning you didn't post anything last night. I have also found in the last few years that we (our family) is getting to the age where we have one almost ready to leave home and people like the qualities they see in our dd and ask HOW DID WE DO IT? I had one mom ask me the other day how we raised such servant hearted kids... it hs become very apparent to me in the last few years that people are watching us and how we raise our kids nad not forgetting how we've educated them. I didn't really think much about "being watched" when they were younger, but I'm quite mindful of it these days with the increase in questions I get about parenting, homeschooling, young adults, etc.

Jodi said...

agreed, great post! Just look at the wonderful thoughts you can post on when you've gone to bed at an earlier time (LOL, joke, I don't know if kids had you up but read the other post too).

I've had more than one person question me when i say how much I enjoy being SAHM and homeschooling. I guess i've started appreciating what I have more since it is so close to being taken away over the last year or so. (finances) Every month that I continue to be able to stay at home feels like a gift and that makes me want to do a very good job at my unpaid job. I love this unpaid job (most of the time).

Someone with younger kids asked me this morning how I fit it all in. I was glad to be able to mentor just a tiny bit since now I am an OLD homeschool Mom! 7 years and counting!!!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh Jen - teens....of course by this age children will make their own choices....and so parenting gets tough.

I did a study on "spare the rod spoil the child" - which I'll some day post more thing that I learned was amazing...the word for child in that verse is thought by many to be a young adult...possibly as young as 5. NOT younger than that. Rod can mean a host of things but most often has to do with authority and FAMILY identity (tribes)....our culture tells us to give youth freedom...but this verse is telling us "spare the authority, family identity and spoil the youth" hang in there....keep banging your head agaisnt the brick wall..she needs for you to keep doing this.

Praying for you!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Other Jen (LOL - nyisutter)

Don't you love it when God brings a message to your attention over and over? Wasn't it Gilda who said she most often hears a message from God three times when He is working with her on something?

Last winter/spring...when I was sure I was to sleep deprived to make it to the summer...I began realizing that I needed to choose joy in this issue. I needed to wake up and say "thank you God for the honor of being a mother today" and whenever I felt like saying "Am I your SLAVE" I would say, "Thank you God for the chance to be your servant here today and to serve my family". I'd love to say that I changed over night - not sure that would be true...but training myself to counteract a negative thought immediately sure did a lot of good.

It's always about the heart!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


God has done and is doing a marvelous work in your life and in extension to your children and circle of acquaintances. I look forward to hearing how God begins to send more and more your way so that you can share the healing you've experienced.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

QB - glad it was worth the wait. LOL

When folks ask me how I "do it" I tell them one day at a time. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

**Just look at the wonderful thoughts you can post on when you've gone to bed at an earlier time**

Yikes - does this mean that I'll actually blog MORE if I sleep? ::snort:::


I know you don't always believe me but I've learned so much from you about relaxing and enjoying the journey of homeschooling. We've just begun our 16th year of homeschooling...I believe you are more of a mentor than you realize.

I too am rejoicing at each month that you are able to stay home full time and continue homeschooling.

Anonymous said...

Wow - This is such a good post. I think I'm like everyone else who said that it was timely. I grew up in a home where mom had to work LONG hours at the hospital because of divorce, but I was blessed to have my grandmother in the house showing me how it should look with a stay at home mom. My dh and I talk about how from the time she could talk and care for other people our dd has looked like a mom, and honestly the home is where she excells. (When she wants... just don't look at her room.) It dawned on me not too long ago that if she's really going to grow into that role it's up to me to teach her how to do it. Wow. That's scary. It puts everything into a new perspective. It's not only about making memories or trying to be the mom that I should be, but it's teaching her to be a mom to her kids.

Long winded, but the point is thanks. I needed it. Again. :)