Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I got my hair done today. Many of you are familiar with my saga. I had always had sun bleached hair growing up (the tropics will do that for you). When we moved to AK it got very dark (no sun) and I didn't even recognize myself. I pictured myself as blond and was always shocked to see pictures. About 4 years ago I had highlights. After moving here it was always anybody's guess what color I would get when I went in. I've had burgundy, red...and really, really blond. Today I asked Heather to trim off the rest of the fried blond. This made it short. She said that she thought it would look good if I went back to my natural shade with a few highlights. I decided it wouldn't hurt to try. She picked a shade lighter than my natural. I was SHOCKED when she unveiled my new color. It really IS a shade lighter than my natural...but's DARK. I'm not sure I like it - but then's better than fried blond. The children laughed when I got home. Stacia screamed. This evening Arielle told me, "I was surprised to see your hair so dark but it is really like the pictures from AK". There you have it...4 years of dye and I'm back where I started (hmmm without the gray). When I first had it cut and highlighted I was told it made me look younger....I'm wondering if I now look older again. LOL Of that point I went from very long hair to short....hmmm...No photo until I get the computer set up working again...but I'm telling you that I look nothing like the profile picture.

I also ran to the library again today. I took three books back and picked up 10 more. LOL

I found a used bookstore called "Book Heaven...where good books go after they've been read". I found to Nero Wolfe books and The Great Gatsby which Jamin needs for school - all for $7.

I had to buy milk - the children are drinking 2 gal a day for the past month. I need to buy a cow. I'm not sure why they doubled their milk consumption. Maybe it's a seasonal thing. {G}

I made dinner - chicken, rolls, salad, smoothies, carrots and fruit plates.

Steve, a family friend stopped over to look at my computer. It looks like I may be buying a new computer. I don't know. I can't run XP on the computer I have....and everyone is saying that it is silly to spend $130 on Windows 2000 when the new software will need XP.... I am TRYING TO SAVE money and buying tires, new computers...this is not helping.

I think that is the day in a nutshell.

I've been lonely today and missing Mike - but I'm also remembering to choose joy!


Cynthia said...

I've had my hair darker for about a year now. Funny that you went to get your hair colored and cut yesterday. I'm going today. The lady I go also highlights a shade or so lighter than my normal color.. just enough to have some variance in the color, but not enough to be really noticeable. Wondering what I'll come home with today.... post a picture of your new do when you can.

Renee said...

Drats... I was hoping to see the new "darker" you.....
I usually color my own hair but now we are in new quarters and the bathroom counters/sinks are not non-porous (sp?) so I can't color my hair at home or I"ll be paying big bucks to replace the counters/sinks when we leave in three years.... I already have at least an inch of root growth and lots is gray... I may have to go natural as I"m too cheap to spend $$ to color my hair - esp since Germany prices are probably higher

Lisa in Jax said...

Can't wait to see the new you! I'm sure that it looks great! I've found that lighter hair makes me look older, so I usually stay dark.

About the cow, I'm up to 4 gallons a week with my crew and the big kids aren't even milk drinkers. It's just for bottles, cereal, and a few recipes. I'm thinking a cow would be a good investment!LOL


Debbie said...

Can't wait to see some pix. My hair has gotten quite a bit darker over the years (actually more gray than anything!). I went with a lighter color this time, but then it is harder to keep looking good.

I'm really starting to think it is time to just let the gray go and accept the fact that I'm not 25 anymore!


Anonymous said...

One good thing about dark hair is that when you grey you have lighter hair but what a price to pay being gray.

Jodi said...

My hair had gotten a lot darker as I get older too. I don't think mine really changed until I had the children. I still feel a bit surprised at how dark it is. I was always blonde and now have to remember to put brown if it asks on a form. I still picture my hair the color of my little boys hair!

Hopefully this comment "takes" I think at least one of mine from yesterday didn't. I was basically just seconding Cynthia's suggestion of the uth Heller books. They are quite good.

Anonymous said...

Wow - if you go through 2 gallons a day with your crew then I'm starting to feel really guilty that it only takes my dh and my dd a day to a day and a half to go through ONE gallon. Uh.... I'm wondering if I need to give her more water. :)

Not sure if I mentioned it (or mention it too much sometimes!) but my dh is a network engineer with our own company. A lot of times they will have machines that are refurbs sitting in their office for sale. Do you want me to see if he has any? If you can email me do, or leave me a message on my blog.

Cynthia said...

Just had mine done today and she did a much darker color underneath and a little bit lighter on top which gives some pretty depth to the underneath part. I used to color my hair at home until I realized that having to lean over the sink and the color running off my face was causing some of my face itching/reaction problems. At least with my curly hair (which is not curly in my blog picture identity picture) I can mess with it enough to hide the gray for quite awhile and can manage to get by with coloring it every other month. I HAVE to color it though. I'm literally 1/2 gray and have been noticeably gray since mid 20's...

Emily said...

Can't wait to see pictures. I was light for years but the last two years I have went back to my natural color with highlights just on the crown of my head. I don't go back until December and I am not sure what I will do this time. I usually get bored - I got light then dark - shoulder length and then long. I like being able to pull my hair up so I never like to go to short.
Oh well. Anxiously awaiting your new "do".

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

C- I'd totally forgotten how dark my hair really is...because I originally had it lightened because I didn't recongize myself with dark hair...everyone likes it - I'm still SHOCKED! I watched her match colors it is really was the same as my roots...the grow out thing should be much easier to manage this way. LOL Yeah - she did a few highlights and they are the shade that the sun would do and I do like having some highlights instead of one solid color.

OK - all - I'll post a picture when I figure out how to do that on THIS computer....have I whined lately about my dead computer??? :::Snort:::

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Ah - Jodi - you've explained's the children! NOW I get it....LOL

I really don't mind the gray but I got so many, many rude comments that my little ones had to hear that I decided to color until my baby is a bit older. LOL

My poor little ones were tired of hearing "you'll be dead before they are teens". People!!!!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Steph - it appears that a copy of windows 2000 is on it's way to me and the plan is to get this one fixed up again....while I save for a new POWERFUL, FAST and AWESOME computer (I've had this one over 10 years). THEN I'll buy a new awesome computer and the little boys will have my dead but revived one for games...freeing up another fast one the boys' have for school.....and when that happens I'll ditch the one we originally built 16 years ago - it is the little computer and plays Spell it and Chex quest. LOL