Quick update
:::snort::: you all are so precious. A quick update because I've gotten three messages asking me if everything is o.k. since I didn't blog last night.
Yesterday was great. We are fine. We did some school. The boys went to House of Faith.
We went to homeschool skate day. Arielle and Nolan had worked so hard to learn to skate. They were a bit unsure in the beginning but picked up speed near the end. Thanks to Tricia for motivating us to try it. Her daughter, Ashley, was so encouraging and patient with my timid Arielle.
I ran to the BX and cashed checks.
I took Adrienne's daughter home after House of Faith and could easily see that Adrienne needed a break. The poor thing. Her family has had hand, mouth and foot disease. They picked it up at their church nursery a couple of weeks ago. Can you imagine blisters in your mouth? ARGH. 4 of her 7 children caught it. Lot's of sleepless night and not going out at all. I had been invited out to dinner last night and knew that these moms would be fine with Adrienne coming. I ran another errand while she showered and took her with me.
There it is the jewel of my day? Ladies Night Out (:::snort::: read post below to see that I aim for BALANCE) Hmmm....nah...maybe skating was the jewel of the day because I saw two of my kids conquer fear and have fun. I digress (as typical).
Charly had invited me out to dinner to meet one of her friends. I don't think there is any better compliment than someone wanting to share a friend with you. It's awesome...and I've had several here willing to do that with me. Originally it was to be Charly, Beth and I. Charly invited Sherri and I invited Adrienne and we had a great time visiting. The best thing is that these ladies were willing to move the time earlier so that I could be home for Stacia's bed time. What a great night.
So we're fine. We're choosing joy. I simply went to bed at 10:22 last night instead of midnight. :::snort:::
Congrats to your kids for conquering their fears! I'm proud of them! My kids just learned how to skate this year and they are 14 and 12.lol
Both my olders had HFM disease when they were 2 and 4. It was awful. I will pray for a rapid recovery for those kids.
I'm glad to see you blog... I was starting to wonder. I always check first thing in the a.m. and you had nothing so I figured you were either too busy or your computer wasn't working. I figured there wasn't anything "seriously" wrong or you would have posted an urgent something or other somewhere.
I remember my kids having HFM years and years ago but I think they must have gotten a very light case. It makes me gag to think about it....
Hey: Arielle & Nolan: congrats on learning to skate. Sure helps a person to be able to go far in a fast way.
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