Saturday, November 02, 2024

Josiah's Celebration of Life - a Year Later

 This is another hard day....Carrie says it so well and is allowing me to share her words today. 

Liv and Carrie at Josiah's celebration of life

Last year on this day was Josiah’s celebration of life. It may sound odd, but that was one of my favorite days ever. While it was incredibly hard and there were many tears, his life was truly celebrated!
That day embodied who Josiah was and the incredible faith he had. We witnessed his parents unwavering faith and strength as they told me they would continue to honor his vows to me and told the woman he saved that she was worth losing him over. I got to hug that woman and tell her we love her.
Hundreds of people came from all over the country, and I’ve never seen so much flannel.
I experienced a love from my church I didn’t know existed. The amount of money, time, and effort ACF spent to make that day perfect while asking absolutely nothing of me still amazes me.
I still get told nearly every week about how Josiah’s celebration of life brought people to church and is continuing to bring people to Jesus.
I look back on Josiah’s celebration of life with so much gratitude and beautiful memories of all his favorite people celebrating the incredible life and legacy he lived! πŸ’™