Saturday, November 30, 2024

Random Glimpses of November

The monthly post where I capture incidents or photos which I didn't already blog this month. 

Danny has been working hard at speech therapy and this month he graduated! It's been fun to watch his personality become more outgoing as he has gained more confidence he will be understood! We're proud of him...and we love the insights he is sharing these days. 

Livie and Josi (10 months on the 7th)

Livie and Carrie - do you SEE how quickly Olivia is growing up? 

Bre's gang! I love it! 
F- Trudy, Jojo
B Bella, Gideon, Annie

Ellie Rae turned 8 months old on the 27th (or maybe it's the 28th?)

Noah is a budding chef and loves to help in the kitchen. Here he stirs up the deviled egg mixture for Thanksgiving. 

All photos courtesy of Mamas - BreAnne, Carrie, Lariss and Arielle!  

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Season of Seconds

I have felt this post forming and have decided to simply get it out BEFORE I blog all the picture worthy moments of Thanksgiving. These are my thoughts while "going through" - they aren't tied up with a pretty red bow. 

"How was this year's Thanksgiving?"

"It will get easier when you get through the year of firsts." 

But does it? Really?

We heard this so many times in the past year. We expected it.  Maybe for some this is true. This had been our experience in previous losses of babies and our parents. The first year was excruciating and it got "easier" as time went on. Even now I'm not sure it got "easier" as much as we became more adept at hiding and stuffing feelings and presenting the picture-perfect faith which was expected of a Christian pastor's family. 

This loss has stripped us of much. There is the original devastating loss of Josiah's presence, but there are so many secondary losses...of ministry position, of friends we thought would be our forever community who have simply not been able to provide a ministry of PRESENCE, of daily routine, of theological stances we thought were long settled. Somehow, we let ourselves think we'd hit the one-year survival mark and things would be easier with each month and year that passed. The holidays were so close to Josiah's loss I think we were in denial not fully grasping how long this absence would be last year. The reality of the nature of the loss NOW hadn't set in - yes, we have hope in the future - but NOW it hurts! 

We are in the season of seconds now. Things still really hurt.  We begin to feel the finality of the loss. It's harder to pray for the soul of the one who robbed us of Josiah's life, than it was right at first. We sense the length of this loss.  We have been let down, we have seen others come close to walk with us, there are days with only "tears" and not "ugly crying" but it's been hard since October and it's still hard. 

Because of childhood trauma trust has been a hard-won area for me to learn to live out. When we began having children it took decades before I could trust they would not be abducted or was the earthquake in Japan - being separated from my family which finally convinced me I could trust my babies to God. He loved them. He'd take better care of them than I could, and He didn't NEED me to be there to be sure they were safe. Shortly after the quake I was given a Willow Tree figurine. It was an angel (whose wings fell off long ago) with a little boy, lifting his arms up and the angel holding his arms. It was a visual which ended up reminding me over and over God could be trusted with my kids...the ones in America, the ones in Japan, the adult ones and our youngest. I lived with that hard fought trust for 11 years before it was sorely tested on Oct 23, 2023. While I fasted for my children, our oldest son was murdered. THIS is what trust brought?  I've wrestled. Honestly, where else can I go? Even if I had been in the office with Josiah on that fateful afternoon *I* wouldn't have been able to save him. I know that. I know God was there, caught him, carried him into His presence. 

But how do I trust One who doesn't feel trustworthy? How do I accept the fact His plan allows this sort of devastation? I've been studying Habakuk (3 chapters) for the past 6 months. I refused to fake my feelings with God...and so He and I slogged along. I would set it aside for weeks at a time.  There's so much more I should say, verses I should share but at this point I'm simply trying to get the thoughts and feelings out. I am convinced God can handle my feelings and questions. I am convinced of His character. I am convinced He has remained with us. I'm convinced of His love.

Early Thanksgiving morning I was dusting...and my eyes fell on the Willow Tree visual. "God is trustworthy. I can trust Him with my loved ones." Then, wham, it fell off the step tonsu. 

My response, "That's about right!" Trust doesn't mean things are going to be great all the time. It means He will be with me; He will bring good from bad.  Maybe that broken figurine (which Michael plans to glue together) is a better visual. I am BROKEN and I freely admit it. I hurt. I'm working my way back to brokenness does not offend God. Sadly, it does offend some. God works slowly with us...and we so often want to see quick results. I have made progress, I have more to go. 

As I discussed with my counselor how surprised I am with the difficulty of these seconds, with the upcoming trial, with my anger at the Willow Tree and yes, at times with God...He reminded me it's o.k. and healthy to allow myself to feel the pain, the hurt, the questions rather than to stuff it and make it pretty and put the bow back on top. 

It's sacred to hold the pain with the gratitude. We have hope in the future because of Jesus, it really hurts now in the present. We live in the tension of now and not yet...the present pain and the future hope. And as Josh (counselor) said it does seem my gratitude, my faith, my relationship with Jesus is deeper because I am allowing myself to feel the pain. 

This Thanksgiving I have felt so loved. I have seen adult children jump in and carry the load I was too tired to carry. I am thankful for relationships rebuilt and salvation stories. I am walking in an even deeper faith. I am also broken. I hurt. Michael and I sobbed together after everyone went home or to bed and I'm thankful I have Michael to sob with. At times Josiah's absence feels like a physical pain. 

The day's grace notes - they're there in the post mixed with the hurt. 

That's how our Thanksgiving went...and now I'll sort through hundreds of darling photos capturing blessed moments and you'll see...gratitude does exist with grief, joy and sorrow enhance each other. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Thanksgiving Eve

It's no secret 32 bodies (11 of them under the age of 8) makes for beloved chaos in an open plan living room/dining room/kitchen split level home.  When we originally moved to Alaska, family gatherings were 14. God has blessed us and in 7 years we have grown to 32! That is amazing! More than doubled! and we had fretted we'd NEVER have grandkids as our friends started having grands.  We've looked for good ways to use the space as the family has grown.  Summer and fall is EASY. We have a great yard with lots of things to do and explore. Winters have been more of a challenge. 

This year our children have loved me well!  By the time they had all signed up to bring food I only HAD to do a turkey and a salad. Carrie and Arielle had said they planned to come early to help set up, clean, whatever.  That gave me time to think. 

I told Michael I thought it was time we put some tables downstairs as we'd outgrown the through the dining room and across the Living room plan. We discussed pros and cons most the week. We LIKE having everyone at the same table. The ever-lengthening table really isn't conducive to conversation however with some people at the front of the house and spread through to the other side and AROUND.... In prep for winter gatherings, we had begun talking about renting out a church hall or the train depot monthly...but that involves a lot of moving parts we didn't have energy to engage. We had the luxury to continue to THINK as our brains were free from shopping lists, grocery trips and cooking for three days. 

I woke up this morning with a thought....Our basement has 3 rooms, a bathroom, the laundry room but the central area is a second kitchen and family room. We haven't used the kitchen as a kitchen since CoRielle moved out four or five years ago. I DID have tables with pantry items organized in the space and a craft table. WHAT IF WE MOVED THE PANTRY AND FURNITURE OUT? We'd have one big multi-purpose room. We could set 4 tables and 2 kids tables in the space. At this point I thought the food would be upstairs and we'd have to go up and down with food....we ended up moving the pantry. This allowed a buffet table by the "warming oven," and plenty of seating space. 

Michael was game. We moved the pantry. He had to run to an appointment. I moved the furniture - all stuffed into the spare oom and it's narrow hallway. 

The bachelors had told me they were bringing 2 televisions and a bunch of Nintendo controllers for the kids to play with downstairs - their suggestion for curbing the chaos. I let them know the basement would be set up to eat in, then we'd take table down and play a family game and then set up the tvs and games. 

Nolan texted to ask if we would like him to come over and help move tables and chairs. YES. I was sure we HAD time to do it all, but I knew Michael and I were already feeling back strain from moving the 50lbs of flour and oats around. 

Spare Oom before the furniture moved in

Michael came home with a small table to move the freeze dryer to so that table could be utilized, and a highchair to put together. We'll probably get another one from a thrift store if we find one cheaper. This one was reasonable. We have 2 2yo's and 2 7–9-month-olds so two highchairs won't hurt.  Nolan put the highchair together, helped Michael carry the chairs in from my van, and assisted us in settling on an arrangement and then setting it all up. 

I went on a snowy trek across our yard to find the kids' picnic table. Our guess is Trudy and maybe our three 4 year olds can sit at it? Arielle is bringing another table for the 7 and 8 year-olds. Liv will sit at a big table and if Kaelyn and Rylin are with us, they will too. We've got a plan. LOL 

I went shopping and found the fall housewares 90% off. I scored some centerpieces for $2.50. 

The other kids table goes to the left of the tables you see below, around the alcove where the picnic table it. 

The tables were set up! This always took TIME on the morning of a dinner! It is so much nicer to have it done the day before. 

I actually love putzing around in the kitchen with the kids. We had time so we made a Texas Trash Pie. We decided it was far too rich for normal sized pieces.  Allie was still at work at this point. 

These two played cribbage and Michael and I sat in the hot tub. 
I am feeling sad - but prepared. An unexpected pro of trying this is Michael plans to get shelves built under the stairs for the pantry so we don't have to move all the food out and back once a month. I'm not sure where all the stuff currently stored under the stairs is step at a time. 

1. HELP from adult, set up, hauling in action. 

Deep Thoughts from a Shallow Mind

 Two Three thoughts, or streams of thought, are chasing around my head this morning and so I will get them down and possibly revisit them at another time. 

1. HOW can anyone possibly think we have the "idyllic family life?" I have been open and honest about our family, in person and online. We have ups and downs. We have successes and failures. We have vast differences about all manner of political, spiritual, and cultural issues, and yet we respect and love each other. We find ourselves in a time when we long for community and have little energy to seek it. For God's sake, our son was murdered, and we are all picking up pieces as we live with the consequences of another's choices...and still some comment on how "perfect" life is for us. Life isn't perfect! Life is hard. I suspect it's supposed to be hard. God carries us. He's near. Life still hurts.  As an aside anyone who has spent time with us would assure you, we are NOT remotely a 1950's family, and no, we are not patriarchal...though we do love and respect he does for each of us. 

via google photos

2. It is quite possible to be incredibly grateful, to look for grace, to see God at work and to STILL grieve. Do not assume tears or prolonged grief means a person is not grateful. Do not assume expressing thankfulness and grace means a person is not grieving. Do not assume joy and grief cannot co-exist. They can. It's odd, but they do. 

3. Another thought I am processing this morning is that my habits can move me toward God or away from Him. I'm examining habits. 

That's all - more deep thoughts from a shallow mind. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A Sledding Adventure

Stacia invited a group of friends from college to go sledding at Clarke Wolverine.  

She loaded her car with sleds, extra snow gear and off they went with my warning to be safe ringing in her ears (I'm pretty sure she was remembering my exhortation).  

At some point in the afternoon, whilst I was envisioning the fun, I received a phone call from Stacia. 

"Mom, I biffed." 

It didn't take long until a friend took over the phone. Stacia wasn't stringing coherent thoughts together. She told me she was fine, but she wasn't o.k.  Her friend, whose name I cannot spell, said she'd flown off the sled, landed on her back and somehow her face got involved too...she had a gash on her eyebrow but what was most concerning is one eye reacted to light, and one didn't. visions of googly eyes danced in MY head. 

I had GG and dinner...I tend to under react in these situations and so I got Michael up and off he went to a spot which was new to him. LOL  Someone in the group can drive a manual and they would get Stacia's car to the college. Stacia and a friend walked back to the car and waited in the parking lot for Michael to pick her up. He would do an assessment and decide if she needed to head to urgent care or come home and to be observed.  Allie was home and got on the phone and talked with Stacia and Linea until Michael showed up. 

Meanwhile I enlisted the prayer of the sib group and Carrie provided nursing tips.  When Michael checked her eyes, both were responding, she was talking in complete, logical sentences again, she was lightheaded but was walking straight and wasn't nauseated. She came home. 

We ate dinner. 

She opted out of her evening class. 

Allie went to the movies with a friend. 

Linea checked in. 

Stacia took the max dose of Ibuprofen. Her face has tiny blood vessels which broke, her eye is red and swollen, she is sore and will be rather bruised in the next day or two...but no broken bones. 

We snuggled on the couch and watched a Great American Christmas movie and an episode of White Collar which allowed for observation. 

YIKES! Stacia grew up sledding in Japan and here - interspersed with years in Texas which has little snow. She has stories of flying off the back of the sled with brothers, of falling off and being run over by Michael...this story is sure to live with the other stories. She did this one all on her own. It seems she needs to work on staying on the sled...maybe giant velcro on the sled and the seat of her snow pants? 

Beware of icy patches beneath powdery snow....

1. The girls' friend groups.  
2. Time - which doesn't heal all wounds but does provide assurance life continues. 
3. The judicial system with hopes for a trial month by the end of this week. 
4. A quiet evening with Michael and Stacia. 
5. No broken bones or concussion - I'm grateful. 

Monday, November 25, 2024

A Night at the Theater!

Sunday, we had the chance to relive sweet memories and make some fantastic NEW memories.

Bre contacted me a month ago (give or take) and we reminisced about me taking her and the others to plays when they were little. This happened most often in Great Falls and San Antonio, and San Angelo had the Nutcracker. She wanted to take her older three to see our local theater's production of C. S. Lewis', "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe."  It would be their first theater experience, and she asked if I'd like to come. YES, I agreed it would be something the girls and I would love to do. The three of us were already planning to see the play.  Finding the right showing was a bit tricky. We don't like to plan things Sunday afternoon as we are often not back in the valley until 3 p.m. Bre wanted to find an easy time for her to arrange baby-sitting for her younger 2.  We agreed on a Sunday and originally were thinking December - but we were told we'd be in the middle of a trial, and we hope to have company during the trial to help with GG and childcare. We went with the first Sunday showing. Two of us were to sit in front of the rest of the row. Wow - they pack people into this little theater. 

Stacia, Allie, Gideon, Bella, Bre
Me and Annie

We settled in and were delighted when Arielle showed up with Benny. This was Benny's first play too, a late birthday gift. Benny pulled his first tooth Saturday night (bottom center). UGH... LOL 

Benny & Arielle 📷by Arielle 

I cannot tell you how much I value being able to be with the kids for these events. Yes, I thought He was withholding Japan from us, but He was graciously giving us choice blessings in being all together these past few years and being able to spend time with grandkids. That'll preach. ::wink:: 

We saw a few people we knew. We chatted. The lights went down. I was a bit teary remembering dear ones lost...but soon Annie was asking if she could sit on my lap. We weren't more than five minutes into the play when she leaned back with a sigh and said, "Grandma, I could be an actress!"  Yes, sweet girl, I can see it. 

We bought a few refreshments during intermission. Stacia and Allie stayed inside. 

Bella, Gideon, Annie, Bella 📷by BreAnne

Arielle & Bre - 📷by BreAnne

The VPA did a great job with a wonderful story. As we were leaving Annie made a break from me and got right down to the stage and began talking with her favorite characters. She was thrilled when they asked her if she'd like a picture taken with them. 

The unicorn was a big hit! She wasn't interested in Mr. & Mrs. Beaver OR Aslan. 

She was excited to talk with Lucy. I was quite impressed with "Lucy's" people skills. They chatted about the play, Annie's name and age and "Lucy" made sure to tell her they were going to be putting on a play titled, "Annie" in a few months. 

Gideon, "Lucy," and Annie
1. Sweet memories and the chance to make new memories. 
2. 16 Baptisms at church - season of growth and new life.
3. Rest. 

Friday, November 22, 2024

Slow Paced Week

 WHY am I SO tired????

It's been a fairly slow-paced week. I spent Monday and Tuesday focused on some paperwork issues. I completed and scanned Dad's application to the appropriate office. I also made "new patient" appointments and settled our transition from one local medical practice to another local medical practice. 

I felt really sick after dinner on Tuesday night and missed lifegroup. 

My Wednesday tea got cancelled because my friend is sick. 

We have been looking ahead to hosting Thanksgiving and realized a mid-week trip to Costco may be nicer than a Sunday afternoon trip. Mike, Dad and I headed into Anchorage. Mike set dad up with a $1.50 lunch, Krista met us, and we enjoyed a quick visit as we raced through Costco. It reminded me of the "power play dates" we used to have with the Armstrong family in San Angelo, TX.  The main thing we wanted were CHAIRS. We watched as someone purchased the whole supply at the Debarr Costco. We headed to the Costco business center and picked up 10 chairs....I suspect they had more but 10 will work. We will most likely buy another 10 as we routinely have 30 people at family gatherings.  

We have been having Nolan over on Wednesday nights. This week both girls had plans and we were glad he came over anyway. I'd made a salad earlier and threw ribs in the oven when we got home. A few roasted veggies and we were good to go. Nolan has been put on a gluten free diet so we're all learning new tricks. He began teaching me cribbage and we watched an episode of Lost in Space. 

Allie is completing this year of her college coursework online and working as well. She's got dreams and goals and is diligently working towards reaching those goals as soon as possible. What we are able to offer covers her tuition, but she will NEED to be able to take a year or two off from working to focus solely on finishing her course and so she's working hard and saving much now. This is a common sight. 

Stacia is continuing her college coursework in residence at Alaska Bible College. She's keeping busy with school and student government.  What we are able to offer covers her tuition and after starting the year working full time she's enjoying not working at this point. She's more traditional in her choice of study space...table in the basement study/library. 

Taco Thursday found us at Nolan and Alex's for dinner. In addition to the other items, I experimented with gluten free cookies... Krista and Nolan have been meeting weekly for dinner for over year. About 6 - 9 months ago they began inviting us all and we try to make most weeks. Since all the dietary issues we are eating more at home where it's easier to watch out for dairy and gluten. Krista and Nolan settled on a walk at 5 and dinner at 6 for any who wanted to attend. We opted to skip the walk in single digit temps. Arielle and kids joined for the walk and skipped dinner. Bre and kids skipped the walk and joined for dinner. 

Izaak was on call but was able to stop by for dinner. It was good to catch up with him. The girls went to a movie, Dad, Mike and I joined the family.

GG and 4 of BreZaak's kids 

We are spending as much time as we possibly can with KrUke and the kids. Luke and Krista will be moving this summer. Krista is due for a pcs, we've been lucky to have Krista at JBER for 4 years. The assignment process has changed a bit, and supervising chaplains now bid for chaplains they'd like to fill their open billets. Krista has received 8 bids.  Now, we wait to see if assignments give her any one of these - all of which she'd love - or if they have a new adventure in mind for her. LOL 
Krista, Nuska and Nolan (Alex in the background)

Millie came back from the groomer with 3 bows AND a scarf. She's stylin. 

And here we are on Friday evening. Dad woke up feeling under the weather. Allie headed to work early. She is spending the evening with some friends in Anchorage. Stacia has been busy with homework all day, has a zoom meeting with missionaries in Japan and is heading over to the college for a student government sponsored event in a bit. 

I played with four of Bre's children while she and the other went to the dentist. It was great fun. 

We got word that the trial for Josiah's alleged murderer will not begin next week and probably not in December. We are looking more towards February. While planning is a bit of a pain, we are at peace. God knows the jury, the judge, and the timing...

I plan to settle down with some warm soup, a cuppa tea and cozy book to read. 

1. Family. 
2. Books
3. A warm house. 

Monday, November 18, 2024

Another Flannel Monday

They just keep coming...and I am learning whilst I try to face emotions head on there was a significant amount of denial in this past year.  Our new reality is counting the days of missing Josiah in years instead of days, weeks and months.  This goes on and eternity.  I do suspect I will still count in months for some time...and flannel soul seems to know even if my brain forgets for a day or so....

This "garden" is so peaceful. I made it out and discovered it's time to switch out my picnic blanket for a camping chair or bench.  When we selected the spot, they'd said we could snow blow a path to Josiah's grave. It's a fairly steep climb and I wanted to get rid of the snow so others could simply visit...and so I went out with a shovel and big thermos of tea.  I'm not sure HOW one would push a snow blower up this hill...I finally settled on simply packing down the snow and making a path. 

I also cleared his marker...of course it dumped another 10 - 12 inches in the past 2 makes for a winter work out. I nearly got myself stuck. It's time to put some gravel in the back of the van...or talk Michael into going with me in the truck.  

The most priceless thing I've discovered this year is those comfortable with simply being with me.  Tears remain my superpower - certainly not as frequent or predictable. I am thankful to those who have become comfortable with tears. 

The trial? We won't be in court Thanksgiving week watching jury selection. There is talk the three-week trial may begin Dec 9th.  Nothing is set - I check Alaska Court View daily to catch a date. It makes it hard to plan or feel very festive with a trial looming over the month of December. 

Just some Monday thoughts.  

In other news, I finished the 27-page application packet for Dad for the third time. We are trying to get some feels like I can focus on the blog again now that we've got another trust set, and the application ready to go again! 

Michael and GG enjoyed an hour and a half playing with BreZaak's kids...I enjoyed sitting in the driveway chatting with Bre. ::snort:: OK - honestly, she and I drove her van over to Midas - the heater went out...and when we got home we did sit out in the driveway for a good 30 minutes. It's a thing. 
It's taken a turn for the negative 6 this morning...and it got up to 6 degrees today.  Winter is here. I cannot continue to insist on fall. 

1. Driveway discussions and grand time with kids. 
2. Projects finished. 
3. Memories which accompany tears, which are healing I'm told. 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Surprise from Stanley

 We first met Stanley when Jared was managing his campaign for the Alaska State House of Representatives. He won.  We fell in love with Stanley. Stanley asked if he could come to this month's family gathering. Sure thing. As the day went on it was apparent Stanley would be late, the roads were getting worse, he still wanted to come. We were a bit perplexed. I asked Jared if he was going to sell us a time share. ::snort:: 

No, he wanted to present us with a citation from the 33rd State Legislature in honor and memory of Josiah saving a life!

Jamin, Stanley, Jared

Livie, Stanley, Josi & Carrie

Stanley made sure we had lots of extra copies. I'm on a search for frames! We'll give the framed copy to Carrie and the girls.  This was a moving ending to a heart full day. 

I'm still in awe of the way Josiah's life impacted others; in life and death. 

November Family Gathering

November is a big month in our family. Michael used to be the only birthday but in a few short years he now shares the birthday month with four kids, with Jojo and Trudy sharing his birthday on the 17th. We gathered this month to celebrate Michael (64), Benny (7), Danny (4), Jojo (4) and Trudy (2). 

Ah - but before the cake there was OUTSIDE play. I try to maintain fall until Thanksgiving, but Alaska makes it difficult. Oh - my heart! Four of the seven members of our boy gang! Gideon and Jojo came later. Rylin wasn't able to join us this month. 

Charles, Danny, Noah, Benny 
📷by JaRissa

It began snowing...magical fall weather! 
Jared and Noah

First snowfight of the year...Jamin and Jared are Funcles.
Jamin, Liv, Charles, Danny, Noah, Jared, Benny

It has been so fun to watch Danny enjoy the cooler weather this year. In year's past he wanted NOTHING to do with outside. I think the extra layers he has been putting on is increasing his love of the outdoors. It may be difficult to move - but he's outside! LOL 

Jamin and Livie

Benny and Danny had asked Stacia for a Mario cake. She told them it wasn't going to happen this year. She woke up with a couple of extra hours in the morning and decided she could finish homework on Sunday and make a small cake for them after all.  This Mario cake joined the two ice cream cakes Michael made for the event. I often wonder what it would have been like to be raised near so many cousins and aunts and uncles around me. These kids are blessed. 

There was plenty of inside activity for those who would rather skip the arctic outside. Nolan and Stacia played cribbage. 

Papa simply sat in his chair and played with various grands. 
Papa Mike and Ellie (CoRielle's youngest)

Larissa, Allie, Noah and Livie

There is ALWAYS a moment when Charles visits when it's time to clean Bachan's. He tried to enlist Noah's aid this month. 

Papa Mike and Danny 

Buying this Play and Pack was a great investment. I'm on the lookout for a highchair or two as well. Josi and Ellie nap in it and Ellie loves to be inside the play and pack - safe from boy chaos. She adds quite a bit happy vocal chaos from the safety of our "cage." 
Ellie entertains Trudy and Danny

Arielle and Ellie 📷by Larissa

Jared, Ellie and Bachan (me)📷by Larissa

Funcle Jamin as a jungle gym! 
Jamin with Josi and Noah📷by Larissa

Noah is happy to help Daddy with his cake
📷by Larissa

Nuska (KrUke's dog) and Carrie📷by Larissa

Papa and Danny📷by Larissa

GG and Noah📷by Larissa

Carrie & Josi📷by Larissa

Noah and GG with the National Geographic📷by Larissa

It's always a blessing and a privilege to be together. "Winter" gatherings present challenges in dealing with 12 - 14 kids in a small area....but are making new plans this year. Soon - we will have everyone bring snow shovels and help to make a sledding run in the back yard. Nolan, Alex and Jamin are planning to bring a Nintendo in the winter months...we'll figure it out.  It's almost overwhelmingly loud and chaotic - but its sacred and blessed...and my soul is always refreshed after spending time with these people! This month we missed Izaak, Alex, Kaelyn and Rylan.