They just keep coming...and I am learning whilst I try to face emotions head on there was a significant amount of denial in this past year. Our new reality is counting the days of missing Josiah in years instead of days, weeks and months. This goes on and eternity. I do suspect I will still count in months for some time...and flannel soul seems to know even if my brain forgets for a day or so....
This "garden" is so peaceful. I made it out and discovered it's time to switch out my picnic blanket for a camping chair or bench. When we selected the spot, they'd said we could snow blow a path to Josiah's grave. It's a fairly steep climb and I wanted to get rid of the snow so others could simply visit...and so I went out with a shovel and big thermos of tea. I'm not sure HOW one would push a snow blower up this hill...I finally settled on simply packing down the snow and making a path.
The trial? We won't be in court Thanksgiving week watching jury selection. There is talk the three-week trial may begin Dec 9th. Nothing is set - I check Alaska Court View daily to catch a date. It makes it hard to plan or feel very festive with a trial looming over the month of December.
Michael and GG enjoyed an hour and a half playing with BreZaak's kids...I enjoyed sitting in the driveway chatting with Bre. ::snort:: OK - honestly, she and I drove her van over to Midas - the heater went out...and when we got home we did sit out in the driveway for a good 30 minutes. It's a thing. It's taken a turn for the negative 6 this morning...and it got up to 6 degrees today. Winter is here. I cannot continue to insist on fall.