Thursday, October 24, 2024

Super Fly Cy the Chick Fil A Guy

 Anyone who knew Josiah knew he loved Chick Fil A. Chick Fil A was the first job he had. He learned great management skills at the company, he mentored many, and developed into the leader and man he would be as he worked at Chick Fil A.  He moved from TX to Seattle, WA to be part of the start up there. One of his biggest disappointments was not making it into being an Owner/Operator for Chick Fil A. BUT - if he had he would never have moved to Alaska, met Carrie and Livie and we wouldn't have had the wonderful opportunity of living in the same location!!!! God knew. 

Alaska, in fact, seemed to be the one thing he loved more than the dream of Chick Fil A back in 2016.  As we put together candy packets last Saturday someone mentioned (Larissa?, Jamin?) that it was too bad we couldn't find a way to give away Chick Fil A sandwiches in Josiah's honor this week. I agreed. Then I had a lightbulb moment. 

Our boys and our friends 2 boys became best buds back in San Angelo, TX. In fact, Debbie called them the Fab 5. When we moved and left Josiah and Jamin behind, Debbie and Steve were pivotal in providing "family" for the boys. Josiah was older than Steven and Michel, but he always reached out to them and loved spending time with them. When Michel was a junior, Josiah convinced him to work at the store he managed. Years went on, Michael became an owner operator of Chick Fil A. He currently owns a Chick Fil A in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Fab 5 continued to meet even after they all began moving from San Angelo. There were trips to FL, HI, AK...weddings... there are better photos - but here's one I can easily put my hands on.  This was taken when the boys and Steve and Debbie came up for Josiah's wedding. 

Steven, Michel, Jared, Josiah, Jamin 

It was a natural to reach out to Michel. I was so glad the idea was mentioned. I contacted Michel and Alyse, and they were on board.  They went in on it with us and we catered a mentoring workshop for teens. How perfect is THAT in Josiah's memory?  Here is Michel sharing a bit last night. 

They passed out the chicken sandwiches and a copy of the card Larissa created for us to use with our acts of kindness. 

Alyse & Michel

They sent a darling photo which is precious to me of them and their 8 kids in flannel each holding a photo card.  We won't post the photo of the kids online - I'm not sure the adoption is final.  In the past year I've heard many stories of young men (mostly) sharing how Josiah mentored them at a time when they felt pretty low and then got them a Chick Fil A, Walmart, and his final employer.  Mentoring was a core value for Josiah. 

If any of you are ever in the Chick Fil A in Little Rock - stop by and tell them we sent you. ::wink:: 


1. Friends that remember and love Josiah. 

2. More art therapy with Krista.