The day began with Stacia and me going on a 3.5 mile hike. I’m nervous about taking her in the bike trailer since I was hit a few months ago…but Mike says to stay off the busy roads and take her. I may try that tomorrow. I’m still dealing with blisters so walked the 3.5 this a.m. in sandals…now I have shin splits. :::snort::: I was having such a pleasant day, so thankful once again that I COULD be out walking with my baby. It was all the retirees with their dogs and me with Stacia. About a mile from home Stacia began screaming and would not be pacified. I walked as fast as possible home….I briefly considered leaving the stroller at the edge of a field and walking quickly off…but I’d never really do that…just a moment of insanity. We may try the bike tomorrow. LOL
Emma, a dear lady from PWOC, invited the kids and me to attend the Concho Valley Quilters Open House. The girls, Nolan and I headed over there around noon. They have a house that is dedicated to quilting. They have some really nice quilts in there. Emma introduced us around and took the time to explain a bit about the history of quilting, patterns, how to quilt etc. They had cookies and sandwiches too.
Since we were in the neighborhood we decided to try to find Marty and Mandy’s future home. Marty is our new chaplain. I remembered the address as 506 H and we spent a good hour driving up and down H looking for the house. The problem was that the new loop (hwy) goes right over where the 500 block would be and I was quite sure they weren’t planning to live under the bridge. We eventually found it in a very nice residential area. It’s a charming home.
I spent a bit of time on our Shop Natural co-op again today. Sarilyn dropped by to pick up her order. I called SN about how to get a credit for a bad item. Cool – they sent me the link so I could do it online…easy….we collected the bad honey from Dana and refunded her money. I’m sure I’ll use the $10 credit next month. :::snort::: Sarilyn dropped by to pick up a gamma seal.
The late afternoon was spent with our treasure hunt (instructions below – and some pictures too). The evening was spent with games…and Krista and I have been working on the computer. I uploaded photos to the blog so she could copy them to her jump drive…I KNOW there is an easier way to do this. We uploaded the photos from Bre’s camera right to her lap top. Krista’s creating a slide show complete with music. We plan to burn a DVD and send it to Mike (shhhhh). I hope he can find a way to watch it. :::Snort:::: Our personal goal; now that we have an address (no phone or email yet), is to be sure he gets something every day (or we at least mail something every day).
I bought 5 lbs of organic Pleasant something or other blueberries at co-op. The lady insisted they are wonderful. I realized when I saw them that no one in my family cares for blueberries. :::snort::: I tasted a handful though and they ARE YUMMY! I made a smoothie with them…and will make some muffins soon….we’ll see what else I can do with 5 lbs of blueberries. They’re in the freezer now.
It’s really, really late or very, very early now and I need to think about going to bed….Hey, Mike, if you read this far…we LOVE you.
Hi De'Etta,
I love blueberries! Oh, I have a recipe for blueberry scones on my blog. It is in the January archives. Yummy! I put brown sugar on the top and it is sweet and crunchy. They are great on the stone!
Your day sounds fun. I am trying to figure out how to save pictures from our blog onto a CD. I'll probably have to have the boys teach me! Thankfully they know how.
I do think we are settling in. I guess I am such a creature of habit that we are just doing things the same! Doug doesn't seem to mind, so I won't worry about it :)
As Zander says {{{Kelly}}}}, "Your job is to REEEEELax!!!" If Doug doesn't mind helping out with the boys during the day time hours this is excellent for THEM and YOU!
I remember when Scott was deployed to Kuwait in 94 (our first) I sent him a letter every day..but he would go days with nothing and then get letter #7 before letter #6... but they all did eventually find him.....
Stacia reminds me of a younger Evie. Only Evie could be happy for half a walk.LOL
The treasure hunt looked like a lot of fun! I'm thinking we could do something like that but with no driving, maybe at a park or around our neighborhood. My kids like to play something similar. They will make a treasure map and one will hide all the pieces, then they will search the house and find the pieces and then follow the map to the treasure. Depending on who's turn it was to hide the treasure, it can be pretty funny what each decides is treasure.LOL Once they worked for an hour and at the end the treasure was a mop and some plastic food.LOL
Oh and the blueberries! Isaac would eat all five pounds in one day if allowed.LOL Our favorite is to put them in muffins. Judy's muffin recipe with orange is really good, I've been told.
Renee....we've experienced the same when Mike was in Hungary and Korea...but's the thought that counts. LOL
Blueberries - I've been putting them in smoothies and I gave John and Cathy a bag last night too. They're going quickly.
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