This is the type of day that confirms my resolve to STAY HOME and not plan too many things in one day. I KNEW it would be a "day" because I had two appointments; I've previously shared how it disrupts life for me to HAVE to go places. LOL
This has been a hilarious day!
It began early, on the way to Curves, I decided to call the boys to remind them to put the garbage out. My tracfone wouldn't work. It was out of minutes.
After Curves, I swung by Sam's to buy a new fone card as we'll want it before the trip and I didn't want to lose my phone number. I was 10 minutes too early.
I went to Walmart and got the card. I rushed home knowing that I had an hour to get showered etc and out the door for my appointment at the OB - one I really didn't want to attend.
Mike called and that made me "late" - but not really late - just later than I like to be. Turns out that the Air Force will pay for travel and such to the convention - which is in Spokane so THAT'S a nice boost to the budget. They'll pay mileage and what they would have for his room in a hotel. The hotel is full (would have been nice to have a room for the kids to crash in if needed)....but we're now thinking of finding a campground in Spokane to stay in - instead of parking in the church's parking lot. ::Snort::
I got to the docs and she was "running late". 1 1/2 hours later I realized that there were 8 of us still in the waiting room and only one doc working over lunch hour. I was VERY polite and nice. I understood - but I also knew I had to be at another appointment in an hour. I asked the two ladies near me what time their appointments were - they confirmed my suspicion - 11:00 a.m. - same as MINE. I went to the receptionist and asked if ALL those waiting in the room had the same appointment time. Doing the math - it would take another hour to get through all of us - at least.
I told them that I had an apt in an hour. I told them that I'm leaving for a month. I explained it was a follow up on a miscarriage and I was fine and so I wasn't going to wait any longer. Wait - the nurse really thinks you need to be seen before you leave town. They gave me an apt for tomorrow - 1:00. I have a 2:00 appointment already tomorrow. As I walked out to the car I realized that if I came back tomorrow and she was running late there was NO WAY I'd be able to do a 1:00 appointment with HER and a 2:00 appointment across town. I went back in. The waiting room. There was now only one lady in it. The receptionist started laughing and I said, "I'm baaaacck". I explained my thoughts about the timing for tomorrow.....It was now 12:30 - I'd been at their office 1 hour and 45 minutes. I told her I could wait another 30 minutes and then would have to leave. It appears that when everyone heard my conversation with the receptionist they all decided to reschedule...which was GOOD because it helped them get back on track. The nurse called me next.
I was sitting on the table dressed as one typically is for these appointments. I heard the nurse say "she's ready to deliver now?" and I wondered if I were going to be left sitting on that table....and I had an appointment to be at and was not properly dressed. Dr. Laura walked in. I told her I had heard...she said well...and I said "are you going to try to sneak in my exam?" Yep. We laughed very hard. I felt so bad for the poor woman trying not to push across the street...but Dr. Laura said she couldn't leave me 1/2 dressed either and she really wanted to see me before I left town. ::snort:: It was a QUICK appointment - no time for lectures.
The poor lady who had walked through the door 2 hours earlier with me was being told that Dr. L had to go deliver a baby as I left....and as I walked out the door I could see Dr. L as the doctor's door slammed at the hospital.
It hit me hard as I left the office that the pregnancy is really over. I didn't want it to end this way. I cried....
as I raced across town to get my hair done. Heather was telling me about folks that skip out on her....and such. I went to pay and realized that I had left the checkbook at home. ::snort:: I had to run home, grab it, take Jamin to work, and go back to pay Heather.
I decided to stop by the bank and pay our credit card bill and deposit checks. I forgot the checks.
We decided to kidnap Mike and take him to dinner. He'll be working until 9:00 or 10:00 again tonight. He's writing an awards package and trying to get all in order before we LEAVE.
On the way home a beeping sound began.....I DO have a low fuel light....and I coasted into Sam's - where the day began - and got some gas - yikes $80 worth.....and a few gal of milk.
The end.....I'd like to say I am staying home tomorrow - my favorite kind of day....but I have two appointments tomorrow too.
This has been a hilarious day!
It began early, on the way to Curves, I decided to call the boys to remind them to put the garbage out. My tracfone wouldn't work. It was out of minutes.
After Curves, I swung by Sam's to buy a new fone card as we'll want it before the trip and I didn't want to lose my phone number. I was 10 minutes too early.
I went to Walmart and got the card. I rushed home knowing that I had an hour to get showered etc and out the door for my appointment at the OB - one I really didn't want to attend.
Mike called and that made me "late" - but not really late - just later than I like to be. Turns out that the Air Force will pay for travel and such to the convention - which is in Spokane so THAT'S a nice boost to the budget. They'll pay mileage and what they would have for his room in a hotel. The hotel is full (would have been nice to have a room for the kids to crash in if needed)....but we're now thinking of finding a campground in Spokane to stay in - instead of parking in the church's parking lot. ::Snort::
I got to the docs and she was "running late". 1 1/2 hours later I realized that there were 8 of us still in the waiting room and only one doc working over lunch hour. I was VERY polite and nice. I understood - but I also knew I had to be at another appointment in an hour. I asked the two ladies near me what time their appointments were - they confirmed my suspicion - 11:00 a.m. - same as MINE. I went to the receptionist and asked if ALL those waiting in the room had the same appointment time. Doing the math - it would take another hour to get through all of us - at least.
I told them that I had an apt in an hour. I told them that I'm leaving for a month. I explained it was a follow up on a miscarriage and I was fine and so I wasn't going to wait any longer. Wait - the nurse really thinks you need to be seen before you leave town. They gave me an apt for tomorrow - 1:00. I have a 2:00 appointment already tomorrow. As I walked out to the car I realized that if I came back tomorrow and she was running late there was NO WAY I'd be able to do a 1:00 appointment with HER and a 2:00 appointment across town. I went back in. The waiting room. There was now only one lady in it. The receptionist started laughing and I said, "I'm baaaacck". I explained my thoughts about the timing for tomorrow.....It was now 12:30 - I'd been at their office 1 hour and 45 minutes. I told her I could wait another 30 minutes and then would have to leave. It appears that when everyone heard my conversation with the receptionist they all decided to reschedule...which was GOOD because it helped them get back on track. The nurse called me next.
I was sitting on the table dressed as one typically is for these appointments. I heard the nurse say "she's ready to deliver now?" and I wondered if I were going to be left sitting on that table....and I had an appointment to be at and was not properly dressed. Dr. Laura walked in. I told her I had heard...she said well...and I said "are you going to try to sneak in my exam?" Yep. We laughed very hard. I felt so bad for the poor woman trying not to push across the street...but Dr. Laura said she couldn't leave me 1/2 dressed either and she really wanted to see me before I left town. ::snort:: It was a QUICK appointment - no time for lectures.
The poor lady who had walked through the door 2 hours earlier with me was being told that Dr. L had to go deliver a baby as I left....and as I walked out the door I could see Dr. L as the doctor's door slammed at the hospital.
It hit me hard as I left the office that the pregnancy is really over. I didn't want it to end this way. I cried....
as I raced across town to get my hair done. Heather was telling me about folks that skip out on her....and such. I went to pay and realized that I had left the checkbook at home. ::snort:: I had to run home, grab it, take Jamin to work, and go back to pay Heather.
I decided to stop by the bank and pay our credit card bill and deposit checks. I forgot the checks.
We decided to kidnap Mike and take him to dinner. He'll be working until 9:00 or 10:00 again tonight. He's writing an awards package and trying to get all in order before we LEAVE.
On the way home a beeping sound began.....I DO have a low fuel light....and I coasted into Sam's - where the day began - and got some gas - yikes $80 worth.....and a few gal of milk.
The end.....I'd like to say I am staying home tomorrow - my favorite kind of day....but I have two appointments tomorrow too.
What a day! You had a much better attitude than I did when this happened to me. I'm thankful that you are getting a nice vacation after all this running around. Of course, it sounds like your vacation involves quite a bit of running too.LOL
Your day sounds like my week! I am running ragged. I do not like to leave the house. I do not like Doug not home to run the boys ragged for me LOL.....
I'm glad your dr. squeezed you in, even though it wasn't the best of appts. (((hugs))).
Hope tomorrow is not quite as crazy as today!
I so hate having to run around all day...I like to be home...
I hope tomorrow is less hectic for you...
blessings, mamabright :-)
Oh my, I hate having to do more than one appointment in one day and you were so patient to wait for so long. Yikes!
Glad you got into the doctor. Just think...a few more days and then you can relax as you start your vacation.
Wow what a day!
Oh I can't stand those gown things that they give you when you go to the OB!
I feel your pain. Those are the types of days I've been having as well which is why I don't have much time to blog these days.....
You are VERY patient... when I go to town I make an entire day of it so days like yours are what happens to me EVERY time I go to town.. anyway... I would never have been able to wait that long because I stack things up back to back pretty tight when I go to town.
Ug! I'm sorry it was a difficult day. I was wondering what you were up to all day because you kept coming to mind, and I prayed for you almost constantly.
Our vacation is totally running near as I can tell. LOL
We're totally overwhelmed trying to do things we have to DO here and still get ready for the trip.....praying we actually get out of here on time. LOL
Oh GOOD I am not the only one that has this dislike of appointments. I was thinking I needed to label it and tell folks I had a syndrom. ::snort::
Ah but Laura - down HERE they dont' even give you a gown....just strip and here's a half sheet to cover with....maybe it's motivation to lose weight. ::snort::
Yes...well Cindy...when we lived in Hardin I would PLAN these sorts of days for my outings to the big city...but this is not what I had planned for yesterday. LOL
Thanks, just keep praying every time he brings us to mind. I have no clue how we are going to leave town at the end of this week.....
Poor Mike has been working until 10:00 each night.
Sorry for the yucky day. One thing good about convention.... there is a lot of sitting time and even relaxing visiting time with everyone you see. Dad is going to enjoy and so will I but I prefer to be in the background and home a bit more.
7:30 am retirement breakfast for one teacher, tests all day long so I will most likely be in the library putting text books on shelves in order by number etc. Kinda boring.
Praying for you all as time to leave gets closer.
see you in CC soon.
Wow I hope your day is better today and not as rushed. Be careful and take care of yourself. YEAH for the Military paying for part of your trip. Are all your kids going?
Those tears are healing, and you just keep letting them fall! There is a time for weeping, and a time for joy. You take all the time you need for weeping, because God will bring the JOY in His time!
CRAZY days make me...well...CRAZY. Hope things are going more smoothly today. I have to take two sick kiddos to the doctor's today. We are headed out this week for P'bgh, PA. And the Army's NOT paying our way, unfortunately. Hubs is going to a week long conducting course which is JOB ENHANCEMENT, but the military, in their infinite wisdom, won't cover it. They did grant permissive TDY, so we don't lose any leave time. Since hubs' family lives in P'bgh, we have something to do when he's in class all day long!
Good reminder Stephanie.
Beth - the girls are IN we'll see them. Cy can't take a month off but will fly out and meet us at the SEA airport...if we all make our connections and we'll fly on to AK together. LOL
SEE, Linda. That's what we've always been told about conventions. They are Job Enhancement and we can get permissive TDY...but this time they are making it a real TDY. YaHOO!
I am two weeks behind in reading everyone's blogs . . so just popping in to say I am slowly catching up . . boy have you been busy!!!
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