Thursday Concludes, Finally....
I think I'll make muffins tomorrow afternoon.
I can't wait until Mike is home - how did I ever survive a deployment? I'm hopeless, hopeless, hopeless.
I made tacos by request for dinner. While making dinner, I was appalled to discover that our fruit tray is looking very depleted. I put this out every mealtime....but there was nothing in it. I sent kids out to the garage fridge for grapes, cantaloupe, nectarines - anything. This is all that is left. It's a good thing that tomorrow is produce day because I don't think we'd make it without an emergency run to the store.
I then checked the Produce rack (er bakers rack) and this is all that is left.....

We finished dinner and while the kids cleaned their rooms, I decided to go ahead and make the breakfast sausage I had started earlier in the day. Of COURSE, this led to me emptying all my little spice jars in the cupboard into the big tupperware containers on my counter.
I've tried for about a year to find a nice place to put these big tupperware things and I don't have a spot.
If they are going to be on the counter, I don't need the cute little jars in the cupboard. The spices IN the tupperware smell much fresher than the spices in the jar....I did get the sausage done. Yes, I do buy the spices in bulk because I don't feel so bad then when I throw a handful at a time into my cooking. ::snort::

Then we played Bible Charades. What a HOOT! Nolan guessed one that Arielle was acting as "Jesus at the Last Potato". ::snort:: We ARE working on those OT Bible Stories.
Ummm...De'Etta.....Tomorrow is THURSDAY...produce is FRIDAY...
We're out of all but 1 cuke and some celery/carrots...can't wait until...Friday...the day AFTER tomorrow...
What happended to Wednesday? :-) I thought I missed a day somewhere along the line :-)
Love you De'Etta!
So, are you going to share what your page turner is, or just leave us all hanging.
And...did I miss a day somewhere...I thought your produce day was Friday!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who kept thinking today(Wednesday) was Thursday. :::grin:::
I'm already confused, I don't need any more help in that did make me laugh out loud though, thanks.
I don't care what day it is. I just have tupperware envy.{g}
Good thing you didn't put those tables up, De'Etta, because today is Thursday and not Friday :::snort:::
What book are you reading???? You can't keep us hanging like this :)
Either you week is flying by or going really slow! It is Thursday and Thursday is the worst day of the week for me. Somehow just one more day seems too long before Doug comes home LOL.
Thanks, Ladies, I discovered this a.m. that today is not Friday.
And with Dorothy you never really do know for sure if we're on the same day or not depending on how late at night or early in the morning it is (LOL).
I'm SO glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know the day, but I'm STILL embarassed that I had to go check my cell phone to be sure. Not having to go anywhere this week really has me messed up!
all I can say is that you must use a lot of spices!
I thought today was FRiday but I'm pretty sure I knew yesterday was Wednesday. So don't feel bad, it's not just you who has her days mixed up this week!
It's a homeschool mom epidemic.
Hurray for produce day! I'm sure your kids are doing the happy dance right now.LOL
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