Monday, October 06, 2008

Photobucket SHEW......

I have been screaming busy but focused....focused...except when the phone rings. ::snort::

At about 6:00 p.m. Mike walked in the door, pulled my fingers from my mouth, told me to quit biting my nails, told me he'd take Jared to basketball practice, and redeemed 2 entire hours!Yippee! What a MAN!

Speech was speech.

School was great. We focused on science fun. I'll have photos and such tomorrow - no time tonight to post.

I got part 1 of Bills done.

I got the portfolio and such mailed.

I began making new TOG grade charts for the boys for this school year (since I took so much time to get them right for last year's work - it only seems right I do the same for this year and use them from the START of the year this year). ::snort::

Did some more co-op stuff...inputting orders, fielding questions and phone calls...both co-ops are in a time of growth.

New Developments while I "focused":
1. Bre IS coming to watch the younger set for us when we go to the PWOC International conference. I'm excited, they're excited. This is good.

2. Krista called and she IS coming home for Christmas. I'm doubly excited.

3. My sister in law called and they are coming to visit us TOO.....this weekend but we'll not be here... so they'll catch us 10 days later...I think.

4. Heard from a friend that a base in AK is losing all of their Protestant Chaplains this summer....hmmmm.....AK or Eurpope? ACK.... Good thing God is in control because I'm incredibly fickle! ::snort:: Besides the Mid-west and East Coast sound great too.....We'd like to see more of the world than TX as we've spent 7 years here...but 3 in SOUTH TX and 4 in WEST TX and they are not the same. LOL

5. We received the return postcard saying that Jamin's Novel has arrived at Operation First Novel....God's will alone...that's all we crave.

Jamin should be home from work soon. I'm outta here!

©2008 D.R.G.


Romany said...

"AK or Eurpope?"

You mean you might be posted to the Vatican? Cool!

Sorry...couldn't resist...such low-hanging fruit...

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Funny, Dorothy.

Anonymous said...


Wonder where in the world you learned to bite nails. Sorry! I sure didn't get it from grandma!

PTL Bre gets to fly home for a quick helping and fun time with her siblings. God is Good!

PTL Krista gets to be home for Christmas. Again, God is Good.

You now just need to relas and enjoy your time away and soak up all the blessing you can.


mom T

Cynthia said...

It'll be SO MUCH fun for all of your kids to have Bre cover for you while you're gone! YEA! You mentioned Krista coming for Christmas. Does that mean Bre can't come?