Monday, April 14, 2008

Do Hard Things Blog Tour & Giveaway

Released today! This book is well worth the purchase price of $11.55 at if you have teens; click here. To win a free copy, leave your name in the comment section of this entry. A winner will be picked on 25 April after noon. Be sure there is a way for me to contact you. I would like to give "first" consideration to those who are currently raising teens or to teen please leave that info with your comment. I would not have picked up this book until I'd heard other's comment on it. I'm glad I had the opportunity to review it - which nudged me to actually read it before I commented. *See update below.

Author Bio:
Alex and Brett Harris founded in August 2005 - at the age of 16. The twins are frequent contributors to Focus on the Family’s Boundless webzine, serve as the main speakers for the Rebelution Tour conferences, and have been featured in WORLD magazine, Breakaway, The Old Schoolhouse, and the New York Daily News. Sons of homeschool pioneer Gregg Harris and younger brothers of best-selling author Joshua Harris (I Kissed Dating Goodbye), Alex and Brett live near Portland, Oregon.

My Take: For 15 years I've been recommending, talking about, telling any who would listen about an article that directed the course of our parenting as our children entered their youth. The article was called Myth of the Teenager by Dr. Michael Platt and can be read here.

Alex and Brett have taken the same message and speak it to TEENS - the very people that NEED to hear the message. They are out to lead a rebelution (rebellion against low expectations of teens). I believe that if this message catches fire in this generation it will change our society. It's that strong and powerful of a message. This book is written in an easy to read style and is filled with concrete illustrations and helfpul advice to motivate teens to Do Hard Things. I'm about 2/3 of the way through this book, but I am confident in recommending it to to you and your teens. In fact, along with a few other books (I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Not Even a Hint, Don't Check Your Brain at the Door, The New Tolerance..), Do Hard Things has become "highly recommended" reading for our teens. We haven't had to require these books, but we suggest them and then have great discussions with our young adults about said book. We like this one enough to put it on our "list".

The authors begin by leading us to rethink the teen years. They go on to mention 5 kinds of HARD things we should do: things that take us outside of our comfort zone, things that go beyond what's expected or required of us, things that are to big to do alone, things that don't pay off immediately, and hard things that go against the crowd.

Though this message is written by teens and for teens, I found myself encouraged and excited as I read. In fact *I* have been prodded to Do Hard Things. That multi-generational Bible Study that's rattling around in my head? Just last night Jamin encouraged me to write it again. I told him that there is no market, others write better than I, someone else has had the idea or will have the idea and be a known name etc. Then I picked up this book and read, "God works through our weaknesses to accomplish His big plans." As a side note, we had this discussion, Mike shared his thoughts, I went to our room to watch some Veggie Tales and unwind and there was "Gideon" saying, "If you wanna hear God say 'well done', you gotta do what he tells you to do." I've been hammered. You and your teens may be as well if you read this book. ::snort:: I'll have to write a seperate "hard things" entry. This IS a book review! ::snort::

I feared this book would be boastful or arrogant; honestly it doesn't come across that way. The authors continually give the honor and glory for their fruit back to God - where it belongs. I also feared I wouldn't like the book. I don't like most books written on how to parent teens or written to teens. I LOVED this book. I felt like these young men were saying the same things we've been saying for lo these many years to our teens.

With over 10 million hits to their website, Alex and Brett Harris are leading the charge in a growing movement of Christian young people who are rebelling against the low expectations of their culture by choosing to “do hard things” for the glory of God.
Written when they were 18 years old, Do Hard Things is the Harris twins’ revolutionary message in its purest and most compelling form, giving readers a tangible glimpse of what is possible for teens who actively resist cultural lies that limit their potential. Combating the idea of adolescence as a vacation from responsibility, the authors weave together biblical insights, history, and modern examples to redefine the teen years as the launching pad of life and map a clear trajectory for long-term fulfillment and eternal impact.

Written by teens for teens, Do Hard Things is packed with humorous personal anecdotes, practical examples, and stories of real-life rebelutionaries in action. This rallying cry from the heart of revolution already in progress challenges the next generation to lay claim to a brighter future, starting today.

This is part of my 2008 reading list. Remember, if you'd like to review books for Multnomah or Waterbrook press send me an email and I'll send you the next offer I receive so you can get the contact info.

*This book came with a postage paid mailer for me to use. Because of this I can't offer to ship this book outside of the 48 contiguous states. I'm sorry. I've been sending all other books all over on my dime. LOL My real life and now cyber friend, Trish, is also offering a copy of this book free this week. Go here to read about how she'd like you to enter.



Jen said...

I have a teen and a tween and this sounds like something that might be good to read with them. Sign me up please! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi De'Etta,
This book sounds GREAT! I would enjoy having it for my 16 and 14 year old, and the others becoming teens in the next few years. Thanks for the review. I had never heard of this book.
Melanie in CA

Anonymous said...

I have an almost 15 year old and our twins will be 13 next month.
The book sounds very interesting!
Thank you.

jennifer said...

This sounds so much like a conversation I was trying to have with my fifteen year old last night, when she was angry with me for encouraging her to not take the easy way out. Thanks for the recommendation. Please sign me up for your giveaway!

Yvonne said...

De'Etta, this sounds exactly what I need for Matt and Drew. Thanks for giving a copy away!

Gilda said...

Having a 16 and 14yo who only recently have begun to "reveal" some inner turmoil *grin*, I think this book would be wonderful to read. We have also recently been innundated with teens moving into our home and them visiting quite often and I think I would love to gain some insight on helping them through these tough years.

Renee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura Paxton said...

So far we have one teen...and 2 "tweens" and that book sounds like something I'd like to read, and have as required reading for my kids.

Cynthia said...

Hi DeEtta,
Thanks for the review. I have a teen and would also love to read the book!

Gigi Lynn said...

Hey, De'Etta. What interesting timing. My boys came home from youth group a couple of years ago, talking about these boys. We spent some time on their website and wished that the boys had a book. Now they do! Those two boys are now 21 and 18, but they still live with me and would devour this book and pass it down to their sibs -- 15, 13, 12, 11, 6 and 2. And by then, it'll probably be being read by my grandchildren, too! :)

Lisa in Jax said...

I'd love to win this book!

Lisa in Jax

Anonymous said...

This book sounds sooo good! I have enjoyed some many of books by other members of the Harris family. I have one teen, one tween, and one almost tween...not to mention the little

Anyway, I'd love to read it!

Emily (from SHS)

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have recently become youth leaders at our church. We are teaching the junior high youth--but also do things with the senior high youth. I have been talking about this book to them. It would be a good supplement to our current study if I am fortunate enough to win.

Bess said...

This sounds really cool De'Etta! Please add me to the drawing.


Renee said...

I can still win even with the change since I have a PO box now in Alabama......
I have three teens - 16yo dd, 15yo ds and 13 dd

Brett Harris said...

De'Etta, I wanted to comment for two reasons: (1) to thank you for such a kind review of our book, and (2) to ask whether you'd be willing to post your review on the book's page?

What you've written here would be so very helpful for people interested in the book -- and such a blessing for Alex and me. =)

In Christ Alone,
Brett Harris

Anonymous said...

Great review, DeEtta... Thank you! Please enter me in your drawing... I think my 15 and 13 yo would really benefit and enjoy it...

Only by His Grace!
(from SHS)

whatexackley said...

De'Etta -
Your review is great. I just became the proud mother of a teenager - she turned 13 at the end of March and I know we would have a lot of fun reading this together.

Lis from SHS

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh - I wish I had enough copies to give all of you - this will be a random sure to go sign up with Trish as well.

Renee - I hadn't even thought of the APO thing. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey, De'Etta! This sounds like a great read for this very moment of teen and tween shepherding. I have a 16yos and 11yod; I'm also thinking of my dil's 16 year old cousin who lives with my son and dil, so that's three young people right there who will benefit ( and five if you count my son and dil, who still sometimes make VERY young choices!) And this is not to cast stones through the glass walls...I could use some encouragement to do the hard thing on occasion as well. Please add me to the drawing.

Angi said...

I would LOVE to win this book. My son is one of those types that things come easily to. He can make straight A's, play sports, everything - without much effort. If he would just go beyond all that - he could do the exceptional - preferably for God! Please enter me. I'll read and review on, and Pass It On after my son reads it!

Kristine said...

Hi DeEtta, I'd love to enter the drawing for this too (Holly is 13).

HOW in the world did you get Brett Harris to comment here?!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

LOL - Kristine - I haven't a clue - it's my claim to FAME! LOL

Melanie in GA said...


This book sounds like an answer to prayer. I am so challenged by a 16 year old son who seems to think he is, indeed, on one big vacation. On the other hand, my daughter (14) has been asked to work with the Student Pastor and his Assistant...a position usually reserved for juniors and seniors, due to her maturity. She has begun to realize the responsibility she has in leading others. We also have three others following behind (11, 8, and 3). This is definitely on my "to read" list.

Melanie in GA