Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nolan's Knight Book

Nolan asked me yesterday if we could just make his Knight Book without the fancy folds. ::snort::

Here he stands with his finished product!


Yes, I'm going to share a dozen or so photos...because these are a LOT of work and this represents the completion of our study on the Middle Ages. We have moved on to the Renaissance. I have noticed that Arielle is spending a lot of time hanging around this week. She says she's bored.....we can't have THAT. Bored with the Renaissance? I need to find out what is going on and possibly pull her in to some of our activities. But you want PICTURES - don't you? ::snort::



I love this game. It's a pocket with various historical events on cards. They put them in order. I would LOVE to find some history cards pre-made that I could purchase and use to "play timeline games" . Anyone know of such a thing?

....and what about Zander's Knight Book? HIS is the book that will be in the "double folded" lapbook. I didn't have rubber cement (and can't find any yet) and so I used Elmers. I put it under heavy books to dry but it was still bubbly.
Remember my wonderful husband who carves pumpkins with power tools? He's cracked me up again. He had just the thing for Zander's lapbook.
Zander's folder is in the vise in the garage. We'll probably work on it tomorrow - wait tomorrow is THHHHHHHuuuurrrrrsssssday - probably Friday.
Nolan informs me this is the THIRD lapbook we've finished already this year. One on the election, one on Christmas Symbols (which we began in 2006 - do you see WHY he's so impressed with our current track record?) and this one on knights. I guess he forgot about my very own lapbook compiled with political cartoons of Sarah Palin. ::snort::

You can see more of our lapbooks at Our Lapbooks Page.

Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.


Anonymous said...

David 10 and Daniel 7 LOVE knights. I'm thinkin' this would be an excellent summertime thing for them to do. (We're like summer homeschoolers. My kids never get a break it seems...I'm always a teacher of some sort....and they journal.)

Great ideas!

Gilda said...

Way to go Nolan!
Mike is a man after Phillip's own heart. LOL!

Linda said...

Way cool lapbooks!

Stephanie said...

Fabulous job, Nolan! It looks great! As for the card game, what about making some on index cards with the time line stickers that you can buy. I can't seem to remember where I got them at the moment... probably KnowledgeQuest. Slap one on a card and you're good to go. Use a hole punch in the corner and keep them on a binder ring that you can buy at an office store dirt cheap so you don't lose any of them, or toss them into a baggie.

You're making me think that I need to grab down my game bin again. Years ago I put one together with all sorts of odds and ins to make games for the kid to use as review. I think she'd love it, especially now that the material is much harder and a lot more "grown up" - aka a lot less games and play. lol

Anonymous said...

Nolan nice job. Your lapbook looks very interesting. Tell your dad and Alexander that we're anxious to see that lapbook too.

Sis: Hope the next time we see you your lapbook on cartoon of Sarah Palin is out.

l/p Mom T

Wild Homeschool Family said...

Great job Nolan!

Some of those tricky folds get me too. I have failed lapbook folding a few times.